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Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 2015 18-10-2015 Dolf Willigers, General.

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Presentation on theme: "Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 2015 18-10-2015 Dolf Willigers, General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 2015 18-10-2015 Dolf Willigers, General Secretary FEMA

2 FEMA Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations 20 organisations 2 observer status 16 countries Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 2015 28-10-2015

3 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20153 Represents riders in European institutions Legalisation (f.e. type approval, driving license regulations) Road safety projects (Initial Rider training, Saferider, 2BESAFE, SMARTRRS, RIDERSCAN, MAIDS, Saferider, Aprosys) Standardisation entities (CEN Promoting motorcycling as the smart alternative 8-10-2015

4 United Nations Working Parties 1 (road safety) and 29 (Global Technical Regulations) Work together with other stakeholders (ACEM, ERF, EUPAVE, FIA, FIM, etc.) 4Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

5 Scope L-vehicles (e-bikes -> heavy quadricycles) 5Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

6 Scope L-vehicles (e-bikes -> heavy quadricycles) 6Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

7 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20157 Motorcycles in Europe - In Europe + Turkey: 39 million PTWs (2013, source EC) - In Turkey 2,9 million PTWs (2015, source TÜIK) Sales are decreasing (source: ACEM) : 8-10-2015

8 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158 Different kind of motorcycles: In nordic countries, Switzerland and BeNeLux mainly big bikes: touring, sports-tourer and trail. In the Netherlands 60% is > 750cc, 93% is > 350cc (source: RDW). In southern and eastern countries light motorcycles (basic, trail, scooter) 8-10-2015

9 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20159 Use of motorcycles: Large differences between countries: -In nordic countries, Germany and BeNeLux mainly leisure -In southern and eastern countries mainly commuting 8-10-2015

10 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 2015 10 Urban transport: - Costs of congestion € 110 billion / year = € 220 / inhabitant -87 % of passenger kilometres on land is by car (2% by motorcycle), - half of EU population uses car daily. - many people have no access to public transport. 8-10-2015

11 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 201511 Outlook: -In future more people will live in cities. Europe now 70%, 2020: ± 80% (source: EEA) -Prosperity is rising, more people can afford private vehicles -Sales of cars in Europe is rising again after fall-back in 2008 (sources: EC, ACIA) Index of total private mobility (passenger-km, all modes) OECD 2010–2050, high and low GDP scenarios, high and low car ownership (index 2010=100) 8-10-2015

12 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 201512 Contribution of motorcycles to sustainable transport (1): -Less fuel -> less polution -Lighter -Smaller engines -No static running engines in traffic jams (filtering) -No riding around in search of parking space -Large progress in the past years in technical developments (Euro 4,working on Euro 5 standards) -Less congestion -Smaller: space occupied by 1 PTW on the public road: 10m x 2m = 20² space occupied by 1 pass. car on public roads: 20m x 3.5m = 70m² -Possibility of filtering 8-10-2015

13 Contribution of motorcycles to sustainable transport (2): -Less need for parking space -Smaller: space occupied by 1 PTW: 2m x 1.3m = 2.6m² space occupied by 1 passenger car: 5m x 2.5m = 12.5m² -Less costs -Lighter, therefore less wear of road surface -Cheaper to obtain and maintain -Less congestion costs (in EU 110 billion/year!) -Social benefits -More people can travel to work and family 13Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

14 -Contribution of motorcycles to sustainable transport (3): -Convenience -Door-to-door -Always available 24/7 -Flexibility -Both personal transport and (small) goods -Combines positive characteristics of bicycles and cars 14Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

15 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 201515 Commuting by motorcycle: an impact analysis Study by Transport and mobility Leuven (Belgium) Traject Leuven – Brussels (E40 motorway) in rush hour on week days 10% replacement from cars to motorcycles leads to reduction of lost hours of 63% (40% including knock on effects). Extrapolated to whole of Belgium = 16,000 vehicle hours or € 350,000/day. Reduction on emission of 6% (1% less Emission of MCs, 5% smoother traffic). 25% replacement leads to 100% reduction. 8-10-2015

16 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 201516 How to stimulate the use of PTWs: -Convenience: -(free) parking facilities -Allow the use of bus lanes -Allow filtering -Safety: -Road safety programs -Safe infrastructure -Good initial rider training -Stimulate use of protective clothing -Appropriate ITS -Financial: -Tax benefits 8-10-2015

17 Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 201517 Some examples from practice Parking facilities: Italy, France. Use of bus lanes: Norway, Greece Filtering: Netherlands, Belgium Road safety programs: Netherlands Safe infrastructure: motorcycle protection systems Appropriate ITS: (cornering) ABS Good initial rider and driver training: Ireland (Initial Basic Training), Norway Stimulate use of protective clothing: EU, new PPE regulation on standards Tax benefits: Belgium 8-10-2015

18 “L-category vehicles, for individual passenger transport and for small logistics, are an effective solution to address the growing problems of traffic congestion in towns and cities across the EU. Smaller, lighter and more specialised than other vehicles, their use produces economic savings in terms of time gained, energy consumption and space required for moving and parking.” (EC Draft Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 p. 101) “If PTWs were abandoned in favour of passenger cars, there would be the need for 35% more parking places and occupation of city streets would increase by 47%”. (La accidentalidad de las mot ocicletas en zona urbana - Barcelona 2002-2007, Fundación RACC, 2009) “Commuters could save up to three hours off their weekly commutes by choosing a motorcycle or scooter over the car, with the biggest savings to be gained in Central London and the East of England.”(RAC Foundation The UK Commute 2007) Some quotes: "Stopping powered two-wheelers would be completely counterproductive to the structure of transport and traffic in Rome, it would increase congestion and pollution.” (Francesco Rutelli, former mayor of Rome, La Republica, 10 th October 1998) 18Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

19 Thank you! 19Powered Two-Wheelers: sustainable urban transportation - GAIT 20158-10-2015

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