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Chemicals cycle in ecosystems

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Presentation on theme: "Chemicals cycle in ecosystems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemicals cycle in ecosystems
By: Paul Kennedy and Stephanie Bradley

2 Chemical cycling

3 The 4 main cycles they are: oxygen cycle Carbon cycle Nitrogen cycle
water cycle Each cycle a certain element Each essential to balance elements on earth

4 Photosynthesis/Oxygen cycle
Oxygen is cycled through plants/trees  6CO2 + 6H2O + ENERGY > C6H12O6 + 6O2 Plants take carbon dioxide from air give back oxygen

5 Respiration/Oxygen cycle
Takes oxygen from air or water  Animals/plants take oxygen from air They give back carbon dioxide

6 The Carbon cycle There are two types of the carbon cycle
The Aquatic carbon cycle And the terrestial carbon cycle  carbon is used by producers, consumers, and decomposers Cycles rapidly through air, water, and biota Biota is all plant/animal life in one area

7 The Aquatic and Terrestrial carbon cycle

8 The Nitrogen cycle It moves between the atmoshpere, biosphere, and geosphere There are 5 processes in this cycle They are -  Nitrogen fixation  Nitrogen uptake (organismal growth)  nitrogen decay  nitrification  denitrification


10 Water cycle The main processes for it are - evaporation condensation
precipitation collection


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