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GeoChemical cycles Nutrient/Mineral Cycles

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1 GeoChemical cycles Nutrient/Mineral Cycles
Cycling GeoChemical cycles Nutrient/Mineral Cycles

2 Cycling in Nature According to the Law of Conservation-Matter is not created or destroyed but transformed. So all matter in the universe is constant. The location and type may change-CO2 in the air is converted into C6H12O6 in autotrophs, and is eaten by hetertrophs and converted into simpler sugars and then broken down to CO2 and released where the cycle begins again.

3 Water Cycle

4 Rock Cycle

5 Rock Cycle Consolidation-packing of Earth materials
Crystallization- forming crystals, regular repeating patterns Deposition-weathered particles are collected in an area Igneous-extrusive-surface Igneous-intrusive-deep Lithification, compaction, sedimentation, cementing, Sediments consolidating into rock Magma-Hot molten rock Melting- the temperature where solids turn into a liquid Metamorphic-rocks that have been changed Metamorphism-processes that involve heat and pressure Sedimentary-rocks made of sediments Transportation-moved by water, wind, gravity Uplift-earth sections moved up Weathering-wind, water action breaks down rock Exposure-showing at surface

6 Make a Cycle. Follow the Carbon atom on its adventure in the cycle.
Imagine you are a carbon atom in a molecule of of carbon dioxide floating in a the air of a wetland. The leaf of a blue berry bush absorbs you during photosynthesis. You become part of a carbohydrate molecule and are used to make fruit. The fruit is eaten by a caribou, within a few hours, you are passed out of the animal’s body. You are swallowed by a dung beetle, then combined in the body tissue of a hungry shrew, which is then eaten by an owl. Finally, you are released into the atmosphere once again when the owl exhales. What is the food chain here, label producers, consumers, etc.

7 Adventure and Food Chain
CO2 (air)->Carbohydrate (blueberry bush) -> Carbohydrate (Caribou)-> Carbohydrate (dung beetle)->Protein (shrew)->Protein (owl)-> CO2 (air) Blueberry->Caribou->Dung Beetle (Decomposer)->Shrew->Owl



10 Nitrogen Cycle Absorbed Denitrifying Bacteria Nitrosofying Nitrifying
Eaten and Assimilated Excretion and decay Excretion and decay Absorbed Lightening Denitrifying Bacteria Legume Nitrosofying bacteria Nitrifying bacteria

11 Nitrogen Cycle Plant Protein Animal Protein Nitrogen (N) Nitrates NO3
Eaten and Assimilated Animal Protein Excretion and decay Nitrogen (N) Excretion and decay Absorbed Lightening Denitrifying Bacteria Legume Nitrates NO3 Urea, Ammonia Uric Acid Nitrites NO2 Nitrosofying bacteria Nitrifying bacteria

12 Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen is the major limiting factor for terrestrial plants. Nitrogen Fixation-conversation of N2 into Ammonia (NH3), lightening, volcanic action, combustion, legumes nodules Nitrification-When ammonia reacts with water to eventually form NO3. Assimilation-when an organism takes in ammonia, ammonium, nitrates and it becomes proteins in that organisms body. Ammonification-when urea, uric acid are converted into ammonia, ammonium Denitrification-Reduce NO3 to gaseous nitrogen.


14 Carbon Cycle Digestion Absorbed Burning Diffusion Photosynthesis
Respiration and decay Digestion Respiration Decay, Incomplete Decay Diffusion Absorbed Burning Diffusion Sedimentation

15 Carbon Cycle Plants Digestion Absorbed Burning CO2 in Air Animals
Photosynthesis CO2 in Air Plants Respiration and decay Digestion Respiration Animals Decay, Incomplete Decay Diffusion Fossil Fuels Absorbed Burning CaCO3 Shells CO2 in Water Limestone Diffusion Sedimentation

16 Phosphorous Phosphorous is the major limiting factor in aquatic ecosystems. There is NO gaseous phase of this nutrient. Laundry ingredient, effervesces is a qualitative test.



19 Gynmosperm Lifecycle




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