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OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Emergency Management Presentation Guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Emergency Management Presentation Guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Emergency Management Presentation Guidelines

2 Presentation Purpose n Education and orientation l By members l By prospective members n Promotional briefings l By members l By prospective members n Ex. To their mgmt, for approval to join OASIS

3 Slide Decks to be produced n Technical Committee (TC) overviews n Sub-Committee (SC) overviews n Work product overviews

4 Maintenance Schedule n Updated bi-annually l As of March 31 and September 30 n Updated by Emergency Management Adoption (EMA) Collateral SC l Updates provided by/solicited from respective TC and SC’s

5 Targets n 1-2 slide introductions n Up to 10 slide product overviews

6 Technical Committee Introduction Page n Mission statement n Vision statement n Primary beneficiaries of TC’s efforts

7 Emergency Management (EM) Technical Committee (TC) n Mission l Create emergency-related standards for data interoperability. n Vision l Issue once, for distribution to all with a need to know, and authority to receive. n Primary Beneficiaries l Public safety officials, broadcasters, vendors TC intro example

8 Sub-Committee (SC) and Work Product Listing n Sub-Committee l Purpose l Work product listing n Work product sub-products

9 EM TC Sub-Committee (SC) and Work Product Listing n Message and Notification (MsgNot) l Purpose n Incident communications within emergency management community, and for delivery to the public l Work Products: n Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) n Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Distribution Element (DE) Resource Messaging (RM) Hospital Availability (HAVE) Situation Report (SitRep) SC and work product listing example

10 Work Product Overview n Work product introduction l Purpose statement, adoption, current version, status n Features summary n Benefits summary n Adoption n Timeline n Additional information l Focus on clarity, highlight key feature, implementation challenges, etc.

11 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) n Purpose l Open, non-proprietary digital message format for all types of alerts and notifications, public, restricted and private. Supports routing, filtering and conversion to other formats. n Adoption l Adopted throughout US, Canada, Europe for public alerting and to lesser extent, alerts between officials n Current version l v1.1 Errata 28 August 2006 n Status l v1.2 at technical committee review stage. ETA Q2 2010 l v2.0 efforts to commence when v1.2 completed Product introduction example

12 CAP Features n Public, private and restricted messaging n Updates and cancels n Actual, testing and exercises n Every alert defined by urgency, severity and certainty n Categorized to common themes. Ex. Meteorological n Alert area may be defined using GIS, and or geocodes n Supports resources n Adaptable to specific user communities Product features example

13 CAP Benefits n Issue an alert once for distribution through a multitude of systems n Easily converted into last mile formats, including SMS, RSS, etc. n Single system can be used to support alerts of all urgencies, severities and certainties n Messages may be filtered based on urgency, severity and certainty, category, location, etc. Product benefits example

14 CAP Adoption n International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standard #___ n US Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) n Canadian National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination (NAAD) system n Canadian Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) initiative Product adoption example

15 CAP Timeline n Conceived and developed by Art Botterell n Endorsed and sponsored for standardization by US Partnership for Public Warning (PPW) n 1.0 published March 2004 n 1.1 published October 2005 n 1.1 Errata published October 2007 n ITU Adoption ___ n 1.2 ETA April 2010 n 2.0 ETA 2012 Product timeline example

16 CAP is in the background profile:CAP-CP:Location:0.3 1301006 fr-CA Routier - Fermeture de route Monitor Immediate Minor Observed Doug Allport 2009-07-18T12:00:00+00:00 2009-07-19T12:00:00+00:00 Doug Allport Routier - Fermeture de route - Doug Allport, Exercise Transport profile:CAP-CP:Event:0.3 roadClose layer:CAPAN:eventLocation:point 45.2449203344103,-66.11091613769532 1301006 - Saint John CAP-CP:Location:0.3 1301006 NBMASASui10286 DAllport 2009-07-17T23:49:40.0436089+00:00 Exercise Public profile:CAP-CP:0.3 Alert en-CA Roadway - Roadway Closure Monitor Immediate Minor Observed Doug Allport 2009-07-18T12:00:00+00:00 2009-07-19T12:00:00+00:00 Doug Allport This is a test Road Closure Alert Free form text field More free form text here NB DOT 888-555-5555 Transport profile:CAP-CP:Event:0.3 roadClose layer:CAPAN:eventLocation:point 45.2449203344103,-66.11091613769532 1301006 - Saint John Issuer interfaces with form, IVR, custom application, etc. Issuing Application produces CAP Aggregator collects and shares CAP Distributor converts CAP to common and proprietary protocols Recipient interfaces with common products and services. Ex. Television, phone,... Product additional information example

17 CAP is adaptable n US Integrated Public Warning System Profile l Defines event codes and location code references and requirements, in support of Emergency Alert System and other legacy systems n Canadian Profile of CAP (CAP-CP) l Defines event codes and location code references and requirements in support of national needs, including automated translation n Canadians are including event location references using CAPAN CAP Event Location Layer Product additional information example

18 Initiative Summary n Purpose l Education and orientation l Promotional briefings n Slide decks l Technical Committee (TC) introductions l TC SC/work product listings l Product overviews

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