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Road Erosion Potential Town of New Paltz Ulster County State of New York.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Erosion Potential Town of New Paltz Ulster County State of New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Erosion Potential Town of New Paltz Ulster County State of New York

2 New Paltz Home of SUNY New Paltz I-87 interchange and a bustling town Surrounded by countryside and farmland

3 Purpose Analyze ground erosion potential on roads within the town’s boundaries. Allow for prioritization of repair and maintenance efforts Save money Better use of materials Better road conditions

4 Road System

5 Erosion Potential

6 Erosion Potential (Cont.) Obtained from National Geospatial Gateway Original Plan Calculate slope using DEM data from the NGG Research what soils are most prone to erosion Download soil types for the area Calculate erosion potential based on combined slope and soil types Soil Data from NGG Already classified erosion potential!

7 Moving on…

8 Buffer Overlay

9 Clipped to Erosion… Required definition query for each erosion class Created 3 separate clipped buffer polygons Merged into one…

10 Single Road Erosion Overlay

11 Selected Roads First done by location intersect Ended up with a list of 176 roads… Moved to visual interpretation Determined what general areas required the most attention Mohonk Rd. and surrounding side roads St. Hwy 208 St. Hwy 32 Interstate 87 onramp Northern Section of Interstate 87 Jansen Rd. South Putt Corners Rd.


13 Thank you Questions?

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