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The Creation and Development of a Comprehensive Guide to Technical Rock Climbing in Ferguson Canyon, Utilizing GIS Technology Gary Horton Jr. Applied GIS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Creation and Development of a Comprehensive Guide to Technical Rock Climbing in Ferguson Canyon, Utilizing GIS Technology Gary Horton Jr. Applied GIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Creation and Development of a Comprehensive Guide to Technical Rock Climbing in Ferguson Canyon, Utilizing GIS Technology Gary Horton Jr. Applied GIS I (GEOG 1820) Salt Lake Community College, Fall 2011

2 Geographic Orientation

3 Why make the guide? Existing maps and route data are either inaccurate and/or incomplete. Members of the climbing community are becoming accustomed to topo-maps and other resource materials in alternative (particularly electronic) formats. The general population is quickly adopting the use of internet and multimedia enhanced smartphones.

4 Materials Needed Traditional Guidebook Handwritten navigational information Notebook and pencil GPS unit (Garmin model Venture HC)

5 Methods Use the materials to collect the required data. Download the data onto the computer in a tabular format using DNR Garmin. Save the tabular data as a point shapefile. Add the *.shp to a sufficient basemap layer of orthophotography acquired from AGRC. Carefully compile additional information into the associated attribute tables.

6 The Past

7 The Present

8 The Future

9 The End Comments? Questions? Concerns?

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