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FY12 and FY13 Budget Development Special Board Meeting Alachua County Office of Management and Budget August 30, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "FY12 and FY13 Budget Development Special Board Meeting Alachua County Office of Management and Budget August 30, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY12 and FY13 Budget Development Special Board Meeting Alachua County Office of Management and Budget August 30, 2011

2 FY12 Budget Development Current Budget Issues

3 FY12 Budget Development Calendar Review FY12 Budget Development Calendar Budget development calendar has been approved and posted to the internet Meetings in September September 1 st – Fee Schedule and finalize budget adjustments September 13th – First public hearing for TRIM September 27 th – Final public hearing for TRIM 3

4 Note: Reflects changes in property tax revenue only Simple majority = new construction value + change in PCPI Rollback (up) = millage need for same amount of revenue as prior year Super Majority = 10% over simple majority 4

5 FY12 Budget Development Discussion, Comments, Questions

6 FY12 Budget Development Community Conversations Summary of Events and Results

7 FY12 Budget Development CAPP Advisory Board Funding Recommendations

8 FY12 Budget Development FY12 Proposed Comprehensive Financial Policies

9 Appropriation Policy #3 (page 2) A fund for private, not-for-profit outside agencies shall be maintained with an annual appropriation. This appropriation shall be recommended by the County Manager, within the Tentative Budget, at a base level of 1% of the General Fund’s operating revenues - subject to budget limitations. This appropriation shall be divided between poverty reduction programs (80%) and cultural and environmental programs (20%). 9

10 FY12 Proposed Comprehensive Financial Policies Budgeted Reserves for Contingency (page 12) Items #6 and #7 were moved to a new section “Replacement Funds/Reserves” Item #9 clarification changes Item #10 removes the redundancy for policy included in other sections 10

11 FY12 Proposed Comprehensive Financial Policies Replacement Funds/Reserves (page 13) New section in policy with increased focus on managing future replacement costs for major equipment and vehicles Paragraphs were moved from “Budgeted Reserve for Contingency” section Item #6 has been added for replacement of major E-911 equipment 11

12 FY12 Proposed Comprehensive Financial Policies Financial and Budgetary Reporting, Audits and Analysis (page 14) Added item#11 to clarify a practice already in place but not included in our policy. Also, recommended as a policy by GFOA best practices. 12

13 FY12 Budget Development FY12 – FY16 Five Year Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program (CCIP)

14 FY12 – FY16 Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program Capital Preservation-General Facilities: (funding source-General Fund) Largest project is resealing and painting 2 court related facilities and the Wilson Building with a budget of $341,120 Capital-General Facilities: (funding source-General Fund) The one project utilizing the FY12 allocation is the Civil Courthouse HVAC totaling $650,000 (equal funding in FY13 as well) Capital Preservation-Court Related Facilities: (funding source-Article V ticket surcharge) Largest amount, $605,000, is unallocated

15 Capital-Parks: (funding source-49% General Fund, 51% MSTU-Un) 2 large projects include Lake Alto and Jonesville Park improvements Technology Fund: (funding source-General Fund) $200,000 for Electronic Document Management Impact Fees: (funding-impact fees) no projects listed for the transportation or fire fees and park fees are proposed to go towards Lake Kanapaha Park Transportation: (funding gas taxes and bonds) list includes bike/pedestrian projects, unpaved surface treatments, and continuing SW 8 th Ave FY12 – FY16 Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program

16 FY12 Budget Development RTS Funding for FY12 Bus Service

17 FY12 Budget Development Tier 1 and Tier 2 Budget Issues

18 FY12 and FY13 Budget Development August 30, 2011

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