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 MyJU ◦ WebAdvisor: useful links such as classes, schedule, grades ◦ My Files: H Drive mapped in the whole campus. Cloud! Use it to download your files.

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Presentation on theme: " MyJU ◦ WebAdvisor: useful links such as classes, schedule, grades ◦ My Files: H Drive mapped in the whole campus. Cloud! Use it to download your files."— Presentation transcript:

1  MyJU ◦ WebAdvisor: useful links such as classes, schedule, grades ◦ My Files: H Drive mapped in the whole campus. Cloud! Use it to download your files to your laptop, be able to use them anywhere ◦ Calendars: add/drop classes, final exams ◦ Blackboard: assignments, tests, discussions, class info, docs etc.  Catalog: then go to “Academics” then go to “Course Catalog”  Campus Directory

2  Use only with Internet Explorer!!!  Intro page: ◦ Tools ◦ Courses  Specific to class: ◦ Digital drop box ◦ Control panel ◦ Assignments ◦ Announcements ◦ Discussion ◦ Exams

3  Go to “Assignments”  Click assignment title (Survey in our case)  Click “EDIT VIEW” (top left)  Click “+Item”  Add name, some descriptive test  Go to “Attach local file” and click “Browse”  Upload survey from your H drive

4  Complete the assignment on a file outside of Bb and save to your computer or a portable storage devise (disk, CD, memory stick)  From within your Bb course, click the Tools button  Click on Digital Drop Box  Click on the "Send File" button, type in the title, click on Browse, and locate the file for upload NOTE: Students can go directly into "Send File" without first adding it. “  Remember, the file is not sent to the instructor by only adding it to the Drop Box. This is only a storage site. Files saved in the "Add File" area can be modified, removed, or sent (See below.)  Double click on the file name to have it deposited into the drop box (The file name and path should appear in the Browse field.)  Click "Submit" (Files sent to the instructor will show the date and time submitted.) NOTE: Only the instructor can remove a sent file prior to grading.

5  With discount! ◦ Goto myJU ◦ Login ◦ Scroll down, look to the right ◦ There are two tabs: “Perks” and “Buy Software” ◦ Goto “Buy Software”

6  Login page: ◦ Online courses ◦ Support  Calendar is the most important part! ◦ It has your assignments, practice exercises and some cool reading material.  E-text: if you have bought the electronic version of the book you can read these parts

7  Practice exercises: ◦ These will be the same exercises we do in class. ◦ They will include instructions in case you forgot what we did in class.  Homework: ◦ Practice what we did in class with a different scenario. ◦ You will need to upload: Word doc, or Excel spreadsheet, or PowerPoint presentation  Sound Bytes: ◦ Practical information on computers. ◦ Sometimes we will discuss about one of these videos, I will assign it in the homework

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