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Growing Tensions Between The North And South Disagreements between the North and South, especially over the issue of slavery, led to political conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Tensions Between The North And South Disagreements between the North and South, especially over the issue of slavery, led to political conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Tensions Between The North And South Disagreements between the North and South, especially over the issue of slavery, led to political conflict.

2 Key Terms and Key People Key Terms  Wilmot Proviso  Free-Soil Party  Compromise of 1850 Key People  Henry Clay  Daniel Webster  Stephen A. Douglas

3 A House Divided North  Industrial Economy  Large cities with Immigrants  Immigration to Midwest  Railroads and canals connecting east and Midwest South  Agricultural Economy  Wealthy Planters reliant on foreign exports  Slave supported industry  Many poor small farm families

4 Practice what you Preach  The North Began to oppose slavery and led the Abolition Movement  Some northerners feared that slavery would spread and some workers may be forced to become slaves  Though opposed to slavery many northerners were racist, and afraid, of the spread of African culture  The South began to defend slavery in order to protect the slave culture of the south

5 Party Time…Excellent  With the nation expanding the Wilmot Proviso tried to outlaw slavery in Mexican Territories  The South claimed the Wilmot Proviso was unconstitutional because it took away their right to move their property to new territories  The Wilmot Proviso would divide congress and not become law with a southern controlled Senate  The Wilmot Proviso led to the Free-Soil Party which aimed to outlaw the expansion of slavery and made slavery a National Issue

6 North California/South California  When California Entered Statehood, the balance of slave states was put in danger  As most People in California Opposed Slavery, they applied for statehood before slave owners could move to the state  If California entered the Union in 1850, Free States would control both the House and Senate, putting slave states in danger of being overpowered

7 This Guy LOVES compromise  With Congress Divided over the issue of California Henry Clay would offer a compromise to the issue  California would become a free state and slavery would be abolished in Washington DC  Slavery laws would NOT be passed for the rest of Mexico and congress would pass laws making it easier to catch runaway slaves

8 Act of Union  Both Sides would think they gave up too much but most, like Daniel Webster, wanted the Union Preserved  Stephen Douglas would gain enough votes to pass the proposal which would become the Compromise of 1850  This Compromise would lead to more violence in the Union

9 This Has Been another World Famous Mr. Green PowerPoint Presentation Its almost Here!!

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