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Energy Resources Notes. Nonrenewable resources A natural resource that is not replaced as it is used May take millions of years to form Includes oil,

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Resources Notes. Nonrenewable resources A natural resource that is not replaced as it is used May take millions of years to form Includes oil,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Resources Notes

2 Nonrenewable resources A natural resource that is not replaced as it is used May take millions of years to form Includes oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy

3 Oil A type of fossil fuel that is a thick black liquid Formed millions of years ago Most is found underground

4 Coal A type of fossil fuel that is in solid form Been used for thousands of years Used to fuel electric power plants Used to burn for heat.

5 Natural Gas A type of fossil fuel A mixture of methane and other gases Found underground

6 Nuclear Energy Energy converted during nuclear reactions Comes from energy stored in the nucleus of atoms

7 Renewable Resources A source that is naturally replaced in a short amount of time or through a cycle Examples: biomass, hydropower, and hydrogen

8 Biomass Living or formerly living material Can be made into fuel

9 Hydropower Power that is produced by flowing water moving over a waterfall or dam The most widely used source of renewable energy

10 Hydrogen Gas It is obtained from water – breaking the H & O bonds. A fuel that burns cleanly, with water as the byproduct

11 Perpetual (Inexhaustible) Resources A resource that exists in such a large supply that it is considered limitless Includes solar power, wind power, and geothermal energy

12 Solar Power Energy from the sun The source of most renewable energy sources Does not cause pollution

13 Wind Power Used to turn a turbine and generate electricity Fastest-growing energy source Does not cause pollution

14 Geothermal Energy Occurs when magma heats underground water Steam and hot water are used to generate electricity

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