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PuppetConf 2012 San Francisco - trip report. Agenda What is puppetconf? Puppet Community Direction of puppetlabs Awesome talks Conclusions & questions.

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Presentation on theme: "PuppetConf 2012 San Francisco - trip report. Agenda What is puppetconf? Puppet Community Direction of puppetlabs Awesome talks Conclusions & questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 PuppetConf 2012 San Francisco - trip report

2 Agenda What is puppetconf? Puppet Community Direction of puppetlabs Awesome talks Conclusions & questions

3 What is puppetconf? Used to have annual puppetcamp Puppet camps now community organized and global (16 last year) Puppetconf is the annual event 700 attendees this year (350 last) Not just about puppet...

4 Community doubled membership from 3000 to 5000 600 to 1200 messages / month #puppet IRC from 400 => 800 avg. users GitHub forks & watchers doubled Majority at conf users since 2011



7 Direction Puppet as a platform Open APIs, upon which puppetlabs will design tools for specific workflows Dashboard withdrawn since conf PuppetDB example of new SOA approach

8 Awesome

9 Most online os/puppetconf/ os/puppetconf/ Several tracks Cloud; Getting Started; Keynotes; Puppet Theatre; Puppet+; Rethinking Ops; Tool Chain Puppet talks

10 Getting started External data - Hiera, ENCs (Kelsey Hightower) good intro to hiera, not advanced usage no globals in puppet 3.0 Puppet DB (Deepak Giridharagopal)iridharagopal Speedy Gonzales!

11 Toolchain / Ops culture Puppet at GitHub (Jesse Newland) more for HuBot than puppet... The deployment pipeline (Jez Humble) Continuous delivery, agile, devops Putting the Science back (Jon Willis)

12 Theatre / Puppet+ Managing an army of laptops (Will Farrington) GitHub’s “boxen” released this year Razor (Nick Weaver) bare metal provisioning

13 Conclusions Awesome! CERN very popular also popular: kittens Puppetlabs & users know forge needs to get better DevOps, infrastructure as code, process


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