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HCPS October 12, 2015 Staff Development.  Specific Learning Disabilities  Oral expression  Listening comprehension  Written expression  Basic reading.

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Presentation on theme: "HCPS October 12, 2015 Staff Development.  Specific Learning Disabilities  Oral expression  Listening comprehension  Written expression  Basic reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 HCPS October 12, 2015 Staff Development

2  Specific Learning Disabilities  Oral expression  Listening comprehension  Written expression  Basic reading skills  Reading fluency skills  Reading comprehension  Mathematics calculation  Mathematics problem solving  Other Health Impairment  Often includes ADHD  Emotional Disabilities  Autism Spectrum Disorders

3  SLD:  Processing speed  Confusion/ mixing up steps of algorithms  Disorganized work on paper  Deficits in pre-requisite skills  Difficulty determining problem entry-point (word problems)

4  SLD:  Pre-teaching, “priming”, wait time.  Information presented in multiple modes  Lists of steps provided- scaffold and fade  Organizers for steps of problems, visual organization (e.g., columns to line up work)  Concurrent intervention and exposure to content  Spiraling, use of extended block time  Word problem strategy instruction

5  OHI (ADHD):  Difficulty attending to long periods of instruction  Gets stuck on “distractors” in problems  Disorganized work on paper  Reluctance to check work, ensure for accuracy

6  OHI (ADHD):  Movement breaks  Assigned role during instruction  Word problem strategy instruction  Organizers for steps of problems, visual organization (e.g., columns to line up work)  Routines for checking problems  Discussion of final answers in context (relevance, logical reasoning)

7  ED:  Low frustration tolerance  Culture of underachievement/ dislike of math  Gives up easily  Inconsistent (or lack of) homework completion

8  ED:  Assigned role in class/ during group work  Build in opportunities for success  Relevant, high-interest examples  Purposeful homework assignments  Feedback available for HW assignments  Consider classroom routines for checking HW

9  ASD:  Difficulty with generalization  Pre-occupied interest  Low frustration tolerance  Difficulty working with peers, in groups

10  ASD:  Pair concrete with abstract  Provide contextual example for symbolic tasks  Strategically use topics of interest  Norms/ assigned roles for group work  Chunking of problems  Deliberate assignment of peers/ partners

11  Provide structure  Real-life examples  “hook” students with specific interests or who struggle with engagement  Guided notes or vocabulary cues  Memory devices (vs. concept explanation)  Don’t shy away from being “cheesy”  Computation-based tasks vs. concepts

12  Keep in mind the “end goal”  Visual supports or steps provided initially, then faded  Build self-monitoring into questions (for points)  Ex: Highlight first step in equation  Teach test-taking skills/ strategies  Did you know?....  Research suggests that teacher attitudes/ anxiety about testing is an influential factor in student test anxiety

13  Concrete-Representational-Abstract  Research supports that even one concrete activity will increase retention of concepts  Ex: modeling graph of quadratic with arms  Sequentially move from C-R-A  3-5 repetitions with manipulatives  Algebra applications  Unifix cubes/ pipe cleaners and beads- Patterns (equations, of growth- multi. vs. powers), LCF  Arrays to model partial products, mult. polynomials

14  Visual dictionaries  Foldables/ organizers  Guided notes  Pre-teaching of vocabulary  For students struggling with generalization/ word problems, pair concrete facts with real-world examples  Ex: If you purchase 2 Itunes songs at $3 each, plus your monthly membership of $11, your will spend a total of $17.

15 Work in your groups to identify a topic in your content and incorporate your assigned instructional practice:  Tiered instruction  Learning Strategies  C-R-A  Hooking the unengaged learner

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