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What are these shapes? squarecircletrianglerectangle How many sides do each have? How many points do each have?

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2 What are these shapes? squarecircletrianglerectangle How many sides do each have? How many points do each have?

3 What is a solid figure? A solid figure is a three-dimensional figure. “Three- dimensional” means that the figure has measures in three directions, such as length, width, and height.

4 Examples of solid figures: cube sphere triangular prism triangular pyramid square pyramid rectangular prism cylinder cone

5 What are the parts of a solid figure? The face is the flat surface of a solid figure. cube

6 What are the parts of a solid figure? Faces can be in different shapes. Solid figures can be made with more than 1 shape. triangle rectangle

7 Some solids don’t have any faces at all??? What are the parts of a solid figure? Sphere

8 Practice counting faces: 4 Remember to count the faces that you can’t see. 6 1

9 The edge is the line segment where two faces of a solid figure meet. What are the parts of a solid figure? edge

10 Practice Counting Edges Remember to count the edges you can’t see. 12 0 8

11 The vertex is the point where three or more edges of a solid figure meet. The vertex is sometimes called a corner. What are the parts of a solid figure? vertex

12 Practice counting vertices: Remember to count the vertices that you can’t see. 8 0 4

13 What are the parts of a solid figure? The base is the face of a solid figure by which the figure is named. base

14 Examples of solid figures: cube sphere triangular prism triangular pyramid square pyramid rectangular prism cylinder cone

15 What’s the difference between a prism and a pyramid? A solid figure whose ends are congruent, parallel polygons, and whose sides are rectangles is a prism. These are prisms.

16 What’s the difference between a prism and a pyramid? A solid figure whose base is a polygon and whose other faces are triangles with a common vertex is a pyramid. These are pyramids.

17 Some solid figures have a curved surface. cone cylinder curved surface

18 Examples of solid figures: cube sphere triangular prism triangular pyramid square pyramid rectangular prism cylinder cone

19 What solid figures are these? cylinder rectangular prism sphere triangular prism

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