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Our books are great but not selling as well as they should.

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Presentation on theme: "Our books are great but not selling as well as they should."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our books are great but not selling as well as they should.

3 I finished writing my first book. Now I want to sell it. What should I do?

4 Rich metadata is fundamental!

5 Would you buy a house based on this information?

6 How about this one?

7 This one?

8 What about this one? Spacious 3.500 sq ft Custom Home! This very special property exudes charm & character with an eclectic mix of old and new. Set in most desirable Washington Headquarters neighborhood in historic…

9 “As the internet becomes the consumer’s primary source of information, it’s likely that customers will increasingly discover and learn about books via the information they can find about that book, rather than the physical product itself.” -The Link Between Metadata and Sales - Nielsen

10 -The Link Between Metadata and Sales - Nielsen Sales volume with vs without cover image

11 Spacious 3.500 sq ft Custom Home! This very special property exudes charm & character with an eclectic mix of old and new. Set in most desirable Washington Headquarters neighborhood in historic… But what does it look like?

12 Spacious 3.500 sq ft Custom Home! This very special property exudes charm & character with an eclectic mix of old and new. Set in most desirable Washington Headquarters neighborhood in historic…

13 Some Key finding in Nielsen metadata study Titles that meet the BIC basic standard have 98% higher average sales Addition of an image has a 268% impact on average sales for items without BIC basic metadata Addition of an image has a 473% impact on average sales for items with BIC basic metadata -The Link Between Metadata and Sales - Nielsen

14 Metadata Is King! 1 enhanced metadata element: +55% 2 enhanced metadata elements: +71% 3 enhanced metadata elements: +120% 4 enhanced metadata elements: +178% -The Link Between Metadata and Sales - Nielsen


16 The in-store experience

17 Meet my book

18 Show…Share…Sell Displays automatically on SampleEmail Sell Share




22 Everybody should read my book!

23 Download my book from iTunes!






29 We have published this book also as an iPad App.





34 Where can I get more information on this property quickly?







41 Read a sample page of the book

42 Share the book

43 Buy the Book!

44 1)Provide Good Metadata 2)Use the Bowker Book Sale Widget 3)Turn your book into an iPad App 4)Use QR Codes Four simple things you can do as a small publisher

45 Thank You! FOR MORE INFORMATION @BeatBarblan @Bowker

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