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Introduction of New Faculty  Archival Studies: Seth Shaw  Mathematics: Jennifer Harris  CS/IT: Jeanette Allen  CS/IT: Delanski Robinson.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction of New Faculty  Archival Studies: Seth Shaw  Mathematics: Jennifer Harris  CS/IT: Jeanette Allen  CS/IT: Delanski Robinson."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction of New Faculty  Archival Studies: Seth Shaw  Mathematics: Jennifer Harris  CS/IT: Jeanette Allen  CS/IT: Delanski Robinson

3 Program Assessment Metrics  Viability Enrollments (majors & minors), Retention Student/faculty ratios, class sizes  Productivity Number of students served (core & service courses)—generally credit hours generated Number of students who complete degree  Quality Curriculum Instruciton Student achivement (admitted to grad school, employed, publications) Recognitions, etc.

4 Historical Enrollments Fall 2008Fall 2009Fall 2010Fall 2011Fall 2012 Fall 2013 (as of August 7) CNET Certificate34324223129 AAS CNET312913231614 CSCI 226191141151 AASIT151413 1618 BIT165173176173184177 BSIT142833 3834 BS Math525955665742 BS Math Secondary 89142426 MAT-Math 78111011 MAS 8182927 BAS-CNET 3635

5 Enrollment by Class Enrollments by Classification Data as of 8/7/2013 FreshmenSophomoresJuniorsSeniors MATH9131730 69 BIT26235178 178 BSIT561013 34 CSCI75302818 151

6 Admissions Data as of 8/7/2013 Math20 CNET Certificate5 AAS CNET11 AASIT8 BIT40 BSIT17 CSCI91 MAS15 MAT-Math2

7 Graduates

8 Students > 90 Hours CIMS Undergraduates with > 90 Credit Hours Data as of 8/7/2013 Math (Includes Secondary)30 CNET Certificate2 AAS CNET1 AASIT4 BIT78 BSIT13 CSCI18

9 Budget News  Department budgets are stable  So far there has been no budget cut requested for FY 2014.  Keeping fingers crossed…it is an election year.

10 SACS Updates

11 Need to Focus Efforts  Recruitment of new students (FTFTF and transfer)  Retention of current students  Progression to degree


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