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Pollution Science. KWL Chart What does this picture show?

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution Science. KWL Chart What does this picture show?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution Science

2 KWL Chart









11 What does this picture show?







18 Poster Creation



21 What is going on in Conservation City?

22 Three Ways to Conserve

23 Inverted Triangle Graphic Using your science book (pgs. C38-C41) draw a large inverted triangle and compare and contrast “natural resource,” “renewable resource,” and “nonrenewable resource.” Also include a “Summary.”

24 Review Questions Which of the following is not a conservation activity? a. replace b. reuse c. recycle d. reduce

25 Pollution can have a negative impact on the ____________. a. air b. water c. land d. all of the above

26 Which of the following will most likely suffer due to an oil spill in an ocean bay? a. whales b. waterfowl c. squirrels d. robins

27 Causing harm to the natural environment by introducing waste products is called_____. a. conservation b. pollution c. recycling d. protection

28 Which of the following are conservation practices? a. replace, recycle, reuse b. reduce, recycle, reuse c. reduce, recycle, recall d. recycle, replace, recall

29 Using old holiday cards in a craft is an example of ________ a resource. a. reusing b. rotating c. replacing d. reducing

30 Which of the following contributes to pollution? a. car exhaust b. littering c. dumping sewage waste that has not been treated d. all of the above

31 Which of the following is not a benefit of conserving natural resources? a. better air quality by reducing pollutants b. protecting natural areas for future generations c. making fossil fuels last longer d. making bigger, more expensive cars

32 Walking or riding a bicycle to a store rather than driving a car is an example of ________. a. replacing b. recycling c. reducing d. reusing

33 Trees are conserved when cardboard and newspaper are ___________. a. hauled to a dump b. burned c. kept in storage d. recycled

34 True or False 1.______ Garbage cans are for trash. 2.______ Trash belongs in rivers. 3.______ People should throw paper on the ground. 4.______ People should pick up trash. 5.______ People can help by not littering.

35 Song Time! Sung to: "This Old Man" This old earth Needs our help To stay fresh and clean and green With a pick it up; pitch it in; and throw it in the can This old earth needs a helping hand!

36 Sung to: "I've Been Working on the Railroad" We've been working on RECYCLING All the trash we can, We've been working on recycling, It's a very simple plan, Separate your glass and paper, Separate your plastic and tin. Take the trash that you’ve recycled To your recycling bin!WorkingRECYCLING We've been working on REDUCING All the trash we can. We've been working on reducing It's a very simple plan Don't go wasting any products, Use just exactly what you need. Don't buy things in extra wrapping, Reduce and you'll succeed!simple plan We've been working on REUSING All the trash we can. We've been working on reusing, It's a very simple plan. If it's a paper bag you're using, Don't use it once, use it twice! Give old clothes and toys to someone, To reuse them would be nice!

37 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Sung to: Eensy Weensy Spider) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle words that we all know. We have to save our planet so we can live and grow. We might be only children but we will try, you'll see! And we can save this planet it starts with you and me.

38 We Recycle (Sung to: Frere Jacques) We recycle, We recycle, Yes, we do, Yes, we do, Caring for our planet, Caring for our planet, You should too! You should too!

39 Recycle Boogie (to the tune of Hokey Pokey) You put your plastic in, but take the caps off. You put your plastic in and recycle all about. Do the recycle boogie and recycle all around, that’s what it’s all about (clap, clap). You put your paper in, but keep the garbage out. You put the paper in and recycle all about. Do the recycle boogie and recycle all around, that’s what it’s all about (clap, clap). You put your cans in, but you smash them first. You put your cans in and recycle all about. Do the recycle boogie and recycle all around, that’s what it’s all about (clap, clap).

40 Recycle and Reuse (to the tune of BINGO) If you see *paper*, pick it up and put it in its place, R-E-C-Y-C-L-E, R-E-C-Y-C-L-E, R-E-C-Y-C-L-E, and put it in its place. (*Replace paper with bottles, pop cans and cardboard.) If your feet outgrow your shoes, do you know what to do? R-E-U-S-E, R-E-U-S-E, R-E-U-S-E, and give them to Goodwill.

41 Recycle! (Tune: Three Blind Mice) Recycle! See how we save. We save our paper, glass and cans. Everyone lend a helping hand! We must pitch in to save our land, So, recycle!

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