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Bible and English Mrs. DesMarais Lesson # 41 Josiah and the Scroll.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible and English Mrs. DesMarais Lesson # 41 Josiah and the Scroll."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible and English Mrs. DesMarais Lesson # 41 Josiah and the Scroll

2 Nouns A noun is a word that names a person place or thing.

3 Nouns - person doctor mother baby man sister boy teacher

4 Nouns - place store mountains kitchen office playground beach farm

5 Nouns - thing ball book chair house tree cat eye

6 Words ending in -ck Words that end with “ck” make the “k” sound. The vowels make their short sound. check = chĕk rock = rŏk pick = pĭk black = blăk tuck = tŭk

7 More words with –ck Say them. clock back pack sack lock neck sock kick peck sick stick trick duck truck

8 Silent Letters - wr sounds like “r” wrap wrist write wrote wrestle wrong

9 Review – Words with short vowels -ast-op-ong-up-uff casthoplongcupcuff fastmopsongpuppuff lasttopwrongstuff pastcropstrong-udbluff blastdropbud stopmud

10 Bible Lesson 2 Chronicles 34,35 Josiah temple scroll sad

11 Josiah becomes the king.

12 They found a scroll.

13 They bring the scroll to the king.

14 Josiah was sad that Israel had disobeyed God.

15 Josiah was a good king.

16 Review Where were the scrolls? What did Josiah do when he read the scrolls? Why was Josiah a good king?

17 Bible Verse I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure. Psalm 119:162 (NKJV)

18 Song: “Joy, Joy, Joy” Joy, joy joy, With joy my heart is ringing, Joy, joy, joy, His love to me is known.

19 Song: “Joy, Joy, Joy” My sins are all forgiven, I’m on my way to heaven, My heart is bubbling over with His Joy, joy, joy!

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