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How do you make your paragraphs flow and connect?.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you make your paragraphs flow and connect?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you make your paragraphs flow and connect?

2 In this lesson, you will learn how to make your paragraphs flow by using transition phrases to connect your examples to your opinion.

3 Let’s Review In each body paragraph of your essay, you will explain a reason that supports your opinion. Thesis Statement 1 st Body Paragraph: Reason 1 2 nd Body Paragraph: Reason 2 3 rd Body Paragraph: Reason 3

4 Within each of your paragraphs, you will use examples and experiences to explain your reason. Reason ExamplesExperiences

5 Writing Process Generate Ideas Generate Ideas Write Drafts Write Drafts Revise & Edit Revise & Edit 1 2 3

6 Let’s Review A Common Mistake Not connecting your reason, examples and experiences to your thesis statement. Reason Examples and Experiences Thesis How does this paragraph relate to your opinion?

7 Let’s Review Core Lesson Reread your reason and write it as a topic sentence. 1 2 Use transition phrases before the examples to connect sentences within your paragraph.

8 Let’s Review Core Lesson Reread your reason and write it as a topic sentence.. 1 If people recycle, there will be less trash. Less trash means smaller landfills. Many items that can be recycled, like bottles and boxes, take up a lot of space. If people recycle these items, they are saving landfill space. When I visited a landfill, I was surprised by the size, and amount of waste. If you combine all the landfills around the world, that’s a lot of waste!

9 Let’s Review Core Lesson If more people recycle, we will have less trash and smaller landfills on our planet. Topic Sentence:

10 Let’s Review Core Lesson 2 Use transition phrases before the examples to connect sentences within your paragraph. If people recycle, there will be less trash. Less trash means smaller landfills. Many items that can be recycled, like bottles and boxes, take up a lot of space. If people recycle these items, they are saving landfill space. When I visited a landfill, I was surprised by the size, and amount of waste. If you combine all the landfills around the world, that’s a lot of waste!

11 Let’s Review Core Lesson If more people recycle, we will have less trash and smaller landfills on our planet. For example, many items that can be recycled, like bottles and boxes, take up a lot of space. If people recycle these items, they are saving landfill space. I experienced this when I visited a landfill. I was surprised by the size and amount of waste. If you combine all the landfills around the world, that’s a lot of waste!

12 Let’s Review Core Lesson Reread your reason and write it as a topic sentence. 1 2 Use transition phrases before the examples to connect sentences within your paragraph.

13 In this lesson, you will learn how to make your paragraphs flow by using transition phrases to connect your examples to your opinion.

14 Let’s Review Guided Practice Read the following thesis statement and body paragraph. Try adding transition words or phrases to connect the ideas in this paragraph.

15 Let’s Review Guided Practice Thesis Statement: If you want to have more energy and have a healthier life, you should choose to eat healthy foods. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains give your body vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. This can keep you from getting sick, so you don’t have to miss school or playtime! Last summer, I ate a lot of junk food and got sick with the flu. I was home sick for a whole week!

16 Let’s Review Extension Activities Brainstorm a new thesis statement and create an outline for the first body paragraph, using the organizer below. Thesis Statement Reason:Personal Example: Personal Experience: What transition words will you use to make it flow? What transition words will you use to make it flow?

17 Let’s Review Extension Activities Now, take your outline and draft your practice body paragraph!

18 Let’s Review Quick Quiz Read the following thesis statement and reasons. Choose one of the reasons and draft a body paragraph using a topic sentence, example, and experience. Use transition words to make your paragraph flow.

19 Let’s Review Quick Quiz Reasons: Less trash means smaller landfills. Reusing containers can save families a lot of money! Recycling conserves natural resources. Thesis: All people and the earth would benefit from everyone choosing to recycle.

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