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OCR Nationals: Unit 22 – Creating Sound using ICT A02 – Design an audio clip Aims and Audience.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Nationals: Unit 22 – Creating Sound using ICT A02 – Design an audio clip Aims and Audience."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Nationals: Unit 22 – Creating Sound using ICT A02 – Design an audio clip Aims and Audience

2 Overview of AO2 Your task is to design an audio clip Success Criteria Pass You must describe the aim of your audio clip You must create a simple storyboard covering the main elements of your audio clip Merit You must describe the aim and audience of your audio clip You must create a simple storyboard with a clear structure covering the main elements of your audio clip Distinction You must describe thoroughly the aim and audience of your audio clip You must create a simple storyboard with a good structure covering all the main elements of your audio clip

3 Scenario You are going to design and create a 45 second audio clip using Audacity You are going to promote a competition, an event, local business or a new product on a local radio station

4 Fit for purpose Before you can create your radio advert you need to think about the audience and the purpose When creating your advert you must ensure that what you create is appropriate for the intended purpose If what you create is NOT fit for purpose no matter how good it looks or how well you have used the software you will have wasted your time!

5 Identifying the purpose To inform To educate To entertain To inspire To persuade What is the advert for? The purpose of the radio advert is to encourage recycling. The aim of the clip is to get the attention of the target audience and explain why people should recycle and to get them thinking about what might happen if we don’t. It is also to give facts about waste and recycling.

6 Identifying the audience Audience just means whoever your publication / system is aimed at This could be: Children Adults Teenagers Older people Different types of people like different things Always ask yourself… Who is my audience? What do they like? Who is the advert for? The audience of the radio advert is all adults; male and female, younger and older adults. It should also appeal to elderly people and I hope to capture the attention of teenagers. It can be aimed at so many different types of people because all people could be interested in recycling and because the consequences of not recycling will affect everyone.

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