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6 The Origins of Islam Essential Question: What is the origin of Islam, and what are the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

7 The Prophet Abraham Abrahamic religions: Islam, Judaism, Christianity (all Monotheistic) Patriarch (father) of the Jews and Arabs. Born in Babylonia (present day Iraq)/nomadic. Islam recognizes Abraham as “a prophet, a man of truth.” His message “Peaceful submission to God.”

8 The Story of Abraham

9 Prophet Abraham and Mecca
Abraham ordered by God to leave Hagar and Ishmael in the desert. Believed that God would not abandon them. They found the Miracle Spring of ZamZam in Mecca. “The Place of the Drinking Cup.”

10 Abraham and the Ka’aba A shrine built to worship the One true God.
Place of pilgrimage for millions of Muslims: Hajj

11 The Common Roots of Three Modern Religions
Islam Judaism Christianity Ancestors: Abraham Ishmael Muhammad Isaac (Jesus) Jesus Population today: Approximately 1.5 Billion Approximately 14 Million Approximately, 2.1 Billion Holy Book: Qur’an The Torah The Bible Symbols: Monotheistic/ Polytheistic Allah Monotheistic God / Yahweh God

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