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On the estimation of WWER-1000 RPV materials embrittlement by a standard surveillance program V. Vasilchenko, V. Kovyrshin State Scientific and Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "On the estimation of WWER-1000 RPV materials embrittlement by a standard surveillance program V. Vasilchenko, V. Kovyrshin State Scientific and Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the estimation of WWER-1000 RPV materials embrittlement by a standard surveillance program V. Vasilchenko, V. Kovyrshin State Scientific and Technical Centre NRS, Kiev, Ukraine E. Grynik, V. Revka, Institute for Nuclear Research NASU, Kiev, Ukraine

2 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 2 Background  WWER-1000 RPV material radiation embrittlement estimation is based on valid Charpy impact test data (according to PNAE G-7-002-86 a fluence scatter for specimens should not exceed 15 %)  There are some shortcomings in surveillance assembly design related to a high scatter (  35 %) in fluence values for irradiated Charpy V-notch specimens  The high scatter in fluence values raises doubts regarding the estimation of a critical brittleness temperature shift  Some surveillance sets include the modernized assemblies with flat containers that allows irradiating the Charpy V-notch specimens according to PNAE G-7-002-86 requirements  Specimen reconstitution technique is also used to get valid surveillance test data  What is the difference in RPV material radiation embrittlement rate estimated by standard and modernized surveillance program, and the reconstitution technique Objective

3 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 3 Materials and specimens  WWER-1000 RPV weld metal with high nickel (1,55  1,88 % wt) and manganese (0,67  0,97 % wt) content  Surveillance Charpy V-notch specimens (10 mm x 10 mm x 55 mm)  Standard surveillance program Khmelnitsk NPP-1 (Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research) Rovno NPP-3, South-Ukrainian NPP-2, Zaporozhye NPP-3 (RSC Kurchatov Institute)  Modernized surveillance program South-Ukrainian NPP-2 (Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research)  Reconstitution technique Rovno NPP-3, South-Ukrainian NPP-2, Zaporozhye NPP-3 (RSC Kurchatov Institute)

4 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 4 Radiation shift for Rovno NPP-3 weld metal  Reconstitution technique provides with ∆T F shift data for higher neutron fluence  Reconstitution technique results in a high scatter of ∆T F shift data relative to a regression line  Standard surveillance program gives a chemistry factor A F that is in a good agreement with embrittlement rate estimated using a reconstitution technique  Charpy impact test data from the standard surveillance program may be considered as valid for Rovno NPP-3 unit

5 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 5 Radiation shift for Khmelnitsk NPP-1 weld metal  4 irradiated surveillance sets allow specimens to be grouped by fluence to meet PNAE G-7-002-86 requirements without a reconstruction  ∆T F shift data based on the different approaches describe a tendency of material radiation embrittlement in the same way  Chemistry factor A F based on the standard surveillance test data can be used to estimate the KHNPP-1 weld metal embrittlement rate

6 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 6 A comparison of radiation embrittlement rate Notes: *) specimen grouped by neutron fluence **) modernized surveillance assembly Unit A F, 0 C (standard surveillance program) A F, 0 C (reconstitution technique) RONPP-312,611,8 KHNPP-122,122,6 *) SUNPP-222,924,0 SUNPP-222,0 **)24,0 ZANPP-316,213,0

7 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 7 Radiation embrittlement rate according to the different approaches  There is a good correlation between the A F values for KHNPP-1, SUNPP-2 and RONPP-3 units  Chemistry factor A F for ZANPP-3 based on the reconstitution technique is noticeably less in comparison to standard surveillance test data  Application of the reconstitution technique does not always confirm the embrittlement rate obtained from a standard surveillance program Open symbol is data for SUNPP-2 modernized assembly

8 Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER MNTK-2007, May 29 – June 1 2007, FSUE EDO “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia 8 Conclusions  Standard surveillance program gives a chemistry factor A F that is in a good agreement with embrittlement rate estimated using a reconstitution technique for KHNPP-1, SUNPP-2 and RONPP-3 RPV weld metal  Chemistry factor A F for ZANPP-3 RPV weld metal based on the reconstitution technique is noticeably less in comparison to standard surveillance test data  Charpy impact test data from the standard surveillance program can be used to get a reliable estimation of weld metal radiation embrittlement rate for KHNPP-1, SUNPP-2, RONPP-3 and ZANPP-3 units

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