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Female Body Image Perception: A Study of Teenage Girls Attending Single-sex Versus Coed Schools By: Olivia Feehery.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Body Image Perception: A Study of Teenage Girls Attending Single-sex Versus Coed Schools By: Olivia Feehery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Body Image Perception: A Study of Teenage Girls Attending Single-sex Versus Coed Schools By: Olivia Feehery

2 Question Do either single-sex or coed schools provide a more accepting or less judgmental environment for girls?

3 Background Information There are many different opinions concerning single-sex and coeducation. Girls have a greater sense of belonging at single-sex schools. Belonging has an effect on many part of wellbeing. Female body image is especially fragile during the adolescent years and many factors influence body image

4 Hypothesis It was hypothesized that girls at single-sex schools would have a more accepting or positive perception of others’ bodies.

5 Procedure 1. A survey was created with 25 questions using four images to reveal the subjects’ perceptions of the body images. 2. Two hundred and forty copies of the survey were produced with an attached informed consent form. 3. Half were distributed to a coed school, and half were distributed at a single-sex school. 4. One hundred six girls from the coeducational school and one hundred four girls from the single-sex school between the ages of 13 and 16 completed the survey. 5. All of the data was collected in spreadsheets. 6. Averages, ranges, and t-tests were calculated for a few questions that were appropriate. Modes and frequencies were calculated for all of the questions.

6 The Survey Image AImage BImage CImage D

7 Statistics





12 Factors Affecting the Results

13 Conclusion The results did not point to either group as more accepting because many of the results were similar or not definitive enough. This knowledge could play a role in education decisions by showing that neither type of education is better for a child in this specific area, and seemingly neither creates a less judgmental environment.

14 References Bracey, G. W. (2007, February 1). The success of single-sex schools is still unproven. The Education Digest. Retrieved from k=&secondaryNav=&groupid=1&requestid=lib_standard&resultid=23&edition=&ts=F08 676F6BEAB5D29A70862920396D962_1286477339095&start=1&publicationId=&urn= urn%3Abigchalk%3AUS%3B Brutsaert, H. (n.d.). Girls’ and boys’ sense of belonging in single-sex versus co- educational schools. Retrieved from CBS Interactive website:;c ol1 Davison, T. E., & McCabe, M. P. (2006, February 1). Adolescent body image and psychosocial functioning. The Journal of Social Psychology. Retrieved from k=&secondaryNav=advance&groupid=1&requestid=lib_standard&resultid=15&edition= &ts=4ACA5EE3C9F6151933690ACA5FB831B4_1286496877495&start=1&publicationI d=&urn=urn%3Abigchalk% The Eye of the Beholder and the Mind of the Beheld. (n.d.). Science Buddies. Retrieved from projects/project_ideas/Soc_p025.shtml?fave=no&isb=c2lkOjEsaWE6U29jLHA6MixyaW Q6NzE2MTYzOQ&from=TSW Playing with beauty [photograph]. (2010). Retrieved from Microsoft website: Straker, D. (2008, April 20). Likert scale. Retrieved from Update: single-sex education. (2008, June 6). Retrieved from What are the standards of beauty?; How do images of beauty affect society? (2010). In The culture of beauty (pp. 19-89). Greenhaven Press.

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