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Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

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1 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
In Primary Schools Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

2 The ‘whole’ child PDHPE considers the ‘whole’ child by encouraging physical activity, healthy lifestyles and the development of self, in order to facilitate well being in every area. (Board of Studies NSW 1999) Decisions Mind Body Goals Encouragement Self Esteem Identity Health Well being

3 Preparation for the ‘real’ world
PDHPE prepares students’ for the real world, in that it provides them with the means to achieve personal and group goals, while developing a sense of identity and encouraging positive self esteem. (Board of Studies NSW 1999; LTS, 2007)

4 Personal Development Children are supported through their physical, social, intellectual and emotional development by PDHPE subject matter and outcomes that aim to foster a positive outlook on life and health, creating awareness of issues that can interfere with personal development. (Penney et al, 2009) Social Emotional Physical Intellectual

5 Health Promotion Health promotion should be adopted as a whole school approach but it is necessary for it to be further promoted through PDHPE, for the benefit of students at present and in the future. (LTS, 2007)

6 Reference List Board of Studies (1999) K-6 PDHPE Syllabus, NSW Government: NSW. LTS (Learning and Teaching Scotland) (2007) Principles and practice: health and wellbeing. Scottish Government: Scotland. < Penney, D., Emmel, J., and Hetherington, S. (2009) The curriculum future of Health and Physical Education in Australia: How influential can a national professional association be? Australian Association for Education Research: Tasmania. <

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