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Year 8 – Project LO: To research an area of interest. To produce an informative piece of work which covers the criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 8 – Project LO: To research an area of interest. To produce an informative piece of work which covers the criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 8 – Project LO: To research an area of interest. To produce an informative piece of work which covers the criteria.

2 Your research You can use Moodle – all lessons are on there. Internet – reference every website you use. (teacher explain) Own Knowledge Questionnaires

3 Your project Using the research, questionnaire results and any other sources of information. Produce a brochure about your chosen area of interest. You must have a reference page.

4 Standard of work Describe each criteria for your topic, Use examples and have images. (level 4 – 5c) Explain each criteria point, give examples, use images and give reasons in your written work. (Level 5b-5a) Analyse all aspects to the criteria in detail, justify reasons for and against each point where relevant. (Level 6+)

5 Personal Safety Stranger danger Alcohol Knife Crime Cyber bullying Cyber bullying prevention Risks to you or others.

6 Sex and Relationships Love and Dating Underage sex Contraception incl condoms STI’s HIV Abortion

7 Careers and Work Options and work preferences Courses Children and work Gender stereotypes in work Equal opportunities.

8 Smoking and Cannabis Smoking Risks Effects Passive smoking Cannabis Risks Effects Mental health

9 Emotional Wellbeing Feelings and emotions Sleep Stress Body image Effects on individuals.

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