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WHAT IS THE CYBERBULLING ? Cyber Bullying is using the Internet, cell phones, video game systems, or other technology to send or post text or images.

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3 Cyber Bullying is using the Internet, cell phones, video game systems, or other technology to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. It is also defined as acts of aggression through computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices” (Jackson & Cohen, 2012).

4 Types of Bullying


6 Types of CyberBullying Gossip Exclusion Racism Harrasment Cyberstalking Outing and trickery Cyberthreats

7 When children cyberbullied; When children cyberbullied; >Social distortion in the relationship >Breaking the school >Sadness >Anger >Worrying >Academic failure >Loneliness >Social anxiety >Aggression >Health problems >Using alcohol and drugs


9 Safe Internet Tips Don’t click every link coming from unknown sources Don’t communicate with unknown people or don’t accept requests coming from them. Pay attention to the social media attacks. Don’t download files from the sources you’re not sure and don’t exchange files with unfamiliar people Pay attention to password security, select your password that can’t be guessed easily Don’t share your private information.

10 What must Victims do? Blocking communication with the cyberbully Deleting messages without reading them Talking to a friend, parents about the bullying Reporting the problem to an Internet service provider or website moderator Go to the police station Go to school Pyschological Counsellor


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