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Copy the question, use the maps on pages 140-41 to answer; Please have planner out and on your table. 1)According to the 2000 map, which states gained.

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Presentation on theme: "Copy the question, use the maps on pages 140-41 to answer; Please have planner out and on your table. 1)According to the 2000 map, which states gained."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy the question, use the maps on pages 140-41 to answer; Please have planner out and on your table. 1)According to the 2000 map, which states gained the most representatives? 2)According to the 2000 map, which states lost the most representatives? 3)According to the 2000 map, which state has the most representatives? 4)According to the 2000 map, how many representatives does Alabama have in the House of Representatives? 5)How many representatives did Alabama have in 1950?


3  Explain how Congress is organized  Examine the roles of committees in Congress

4 oNext Test – Chapter 4 test will be on Thursday, 3/1 o5 AR books read and passed by 3/13 oEnd of grading period is 3/13

5 Bell ringer T – Chart on Congress Video – The Congress Ch. 4 test

6 ____ members allotted by population Each state divide into _____ Which includes roughly same number Of constituents Representatives serve _____ year terms Usually focus on their own _______ Rather than the whole state Framers designed it so that members of House would be _____ to the people than the Senate

7 1.You use it between your head and your toes, the more it works the thinner it grows. What is it? 2.A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son. Who am I. 3.Why can't you take a picture of a man with a wooden leg? 4.How can you give someone $63 using six bills, without using any one dollar bills? Please write down question (4); Please have planner on your table.

8  Explain how Congress is organized  Examine the roles of committees in Congress

9 oNext quiz – Ch. 6-1, 6-2 on Thursday, 3/8 o5 AR books read and passed by 3/13 oEnd of grading period is 3/13

10 Bell ringer T – Chart on Congress Video - Bullying

11 _____ members allotted by population Each state divide into ______ Which includes roughly same number Of constituents Representatives serve ______ year terms Usually focus on their own ______ Rather than the whole state Framers designed it so that members of House would be closer to the _______ than the Senate _____ members – 2 from Each state Represent the entire ______ Rather than a particular district Serve _____ year terms Terms are _______ so that 1/3 Of Senate is up for election Every 2 years Staggered terms ensures A certain amount of _____ And ______

12 Read page138, copy statement and fill in the blanks; Please have planner out and on your table. 1.The Framers of the Constitution intended to make the _____ more powerful than any other branch. 2. Congress is described in ____ of the Constitution. 3. Each term of Congress starts on January 3 rd of _____ numbered years. 4. A typical session of Congress lasts from January until _____. 5. A ____ occurs when Congress gathers to hear the State of the Union Address.

13  Explain how Congress is organized  Examine the roles of committees in Congress

14 oNext quiz – Ch. 6-1, 6-2 on Thursday, 3/8 oPride Break on Friday, March 9 th (???) o5 AR books read and passed by 3/13 oEnd of grading period is 3/13

15 Bell ringer 4 Types of Committees Video – Congress Congressional Leadership

16 Standing ________ Committee that Works from session To session (q); Sen.  ___; House  ____ Select Created to do a special Job for a _________ Of time (t) ; for example …

17 Joint Committees that include Members of both ______ and the ______ Conference Temporary committee which Helps House & Senate Agree on details of a ________ ________(q)

18 ---------- is the most Powerful leader in the HoR (t) Person who usually acts as Chairperson of the ------- is Pro Tempore (q) (for time being) (q) Steers ---------- through House And influences most other House business Usually filled by a member Of -------- party and is more Ceremonial Real leaders in “C” are -------- (q); Make sure laws are Passed in best interest of own parties; Floor leaders are helped by party “whips” or second in command

19 Read Pages 151-2; Copy statements and fill in the blanks; Please have planners out and on table. 1. According to Constitution, to run for ____, you must be at least 30 years old and live in the state you plan to represent. 2. Members of the House of Representatives must be at least _____, and live in the state they represent. 3. Nearly half of all members of Congress are _____. 4. Members of Congress receive an annual salary of ______. 5. The Constitution grants senators and representatives, _____ in certain situations.

20  Identify the powers given to the Constitution  Cite the powers that the Constitution denies Congress

21 oNext quiz – Ch. 6-1, 6-2 on Thursday, 3/8 oPride Break on Friday, March 9 th (???) o5 AR books read and passed by 3/13 oEnd of grading period is 3/13

22 Bell ringer Outline – The Legislative Powers of Congress 8 review questions you should know for 6-1, 62 quiz HWK – Ch. 6 Vocabulary Activity

23 Framers (146) 1. Could not foresee every ---------- that arises 2. Article 1, Section 8 spells out the major powers of Congress (---------- powers) Necessary and Proper Clause (146) 1. Powers that Congress has because of Necessary & Proper clause are ---------- powers 2. Clause 18 is often called the ---------- Clause Making laws (146) 1. Congress can pass laws governing all federal Property including ------------ 2. Can also establish ----------- and federal courts Power to Tax (147) 1. All tax bills or other revenue bills must start in the -------- 2. Framers believe that those closest to people Should be ones to propose ----------

24 What is an oddly shaped District designed to Increase the voting Strength of a particular Group? What is the term For the people Represented by A congressperson. What a population Count that is taken Every ten years Called? What are the Permanent committees In the Senate and H of R that continue their Work from session to Session called? Committees that are Created to help the House And the Senate agree on Details of a proposed law Are called what? Who are real leaders In the Senate and Most powerful players In the H of R? The person who Usually acts as the Chairperson of the Senate is whom? What is a Latin Phrase which means “for the time Being”?

25 Copy the questions. Use the chart on page 149 to answer. 1.What is the difference between expressed powers and implied powers? 2.Is the ability to coin money an implied power or an expressed power? 3.Is the ability to draft people into the armed services an implied power or expresed power? 4.Is granting copyrights and patents an expressed power or an implied power? 5.Is the Federal Reserve Board an implied power or an expressed power?


27  Identify the powers given to the Constitution  Cite the powers that the Constitution denies Congress

28 oNext quiz – Ch. 6-1, 6-2 on Thursday, 3/8 oPride Break on Friday, March 9 th (???) o5 AR books read and passed by 3/13 oEnd of grading period is 3/13

29 Bell ringer Outline – The Legislative Powers of Congress 8 review questions you should know for 6-1, 62 quiz HWK – Review for Ch. 6- 1, 6-2 quiz

30 Who was the only Other president Other than Bill Clinton To be impeached? Laws that make an Act a crime after The act has been Committed are Known as what? What are the Abilities of Congress that Are specifically listed In the Constitution? Which part of the Constitution allows Congress to stretch Its powers? What term refers to A court order that requires Police to bring a prisoner To court to explain why They are holding that person? Laws that deal with Railroads, trucking, & air traffic are part Of the power to regulate what? Creating appropriation Bills falls under which power of Congress? Laws that punish A person without A jury trial are Called what?

31 Bills to Spend (147) 1. Congress spends ------- by means of a 2 step process 2. First, an ---------- bill, then an ----------- bill Article I, Section 8 (147) 1. Power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce Among the states (---------- Clause) 2. Laws dealing with --------, ----------, trucking, Radio, television, & stock market are based on clause Foreign Policy (147) 1. Only ---------- can declare war 2. Senate must approve any -------- a president makes With a foreign country

32 1.Where did the first Congress meet in 1789? 2.When did Congress vote to limit the number of members of the House to 435? 3. What is a political party? 4.In the Senate, who only votes if there is a tie that needs to be broken? 5.Once Congress approves a bill, where does it go? Please copy down the questions (10); Also, please have planner out and on your table.

33 6. What can a president do if he does not approve of a bill sent to him by Congress? 7. How many members of Congress must vote to override a presidential veto? 8. In an impeachment proceeding, which part of Congress acts as a court? 9. Who approves treaties written by the President 10. What are the three voting choices that members of Congress have when voting? Please copy down the questions (10); Please skip three lines per question. Also, please have planner out and on your table.

34  Identify the powers given to the Constitution  Cite the powers that the Constitution denies Congress

35 oNext quiz – Ch. 6-1, 6-2 on Thursday, 3/8 oPride Break on Friday, March 9 th (???) o5 AR books read and passed by 3/13 oEnd of grading period is 3/13

36 Bell ringer Web Map – Non Legislative Powers of Congress Video Ch. 6-1, 6-2 quiz

37 “C” is in charge of Counting ________ in Presidential elections; If no clear Winner, House picks winner

38 “C” is in charge of Counting ________ in Presidential elections; If no clear Winner, House picks winner Constitution allows Congress to propose ______ _______ By a 2/3 vote of Both Senate and House

39 Senate has power to Approve or reject ________ nominees for Supreme Court, cabinet Vacancies, etc Constitution has authority To ________ or remove, Any federal official; House Charges; Senate tries

40 ________ acts as a watch- Dog authority; overseeing Government activities Hearings have been Held on organized crime, Communism, campaign Fundraising, and illegal Government activities like Watergate and Iran Contra

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