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Presentation on theme: " Scratch pong challenge Pong is a classic 1970s video game  Open the pongv1.sb2 file in Scratch  Click the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scratch pong challenge Pong is a classic 1970s video game  Open the pongv1.sb2 file in Scratch  Click the green flag to play the game

2 Scratch pong challenge Complete the game  The bat needs to move left and right (you will need two code blocks to do this!)  Aim to move it 10 steps

3 Scratch pong challenge Can you improve the game?  add a sound each time the ball hits the bat (a short sound is best)  add a different sound each time a life is lost  add a score to the game which goes up 1 each time the ball is hit  add blocks to allow the bat to move up and down

4 Scratch pong challenge Adding Screens:  Can you add a title slide?  Can you add a Game Over slide? This will involve adding backdrops…

5 Scratch pong challenge Scoring Challenges:  Can you change the scoring system so that 5 points are lost each time a life is lost?  Can you add a life when the score reaches a certain value?  Can you score more points if the bat is higher up the screen when it hits the ball?  Can you limit how high up the screen the bat will move?

6 Scratch pong challenge Two Player Challenge:  Can you make a two player version of Pong?

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