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Thematic Studies In Bible Basics. Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ï The prophecy of Jeremiah.

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1 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics


3 Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ï The prophecy of Jeremiah in Jer 2:13 “Living waters” = natural springs…God-given “Hewn cisterns” = dug wells…man-made These “cisterns” were broken…would not provide them what they would need

4 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Parents Ù Though parents (family) do come from God, He never meant for them to be followed no matter what His word teaches cp. Mt 10:34-37

5 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Conscience Ù We should never violate our conscience Rom 14:23 Yet, our conscience can be ill-trained and be wrong cp. Acts 23:1 8:1, 3

6 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Human Wisdom Ù Wisdom from man is faulty; it is subjective, not objective 1 Cor 1:21 2:13-14 3:19 Isa 55:8-9 Jer 8:8-9 PRINCIPLE Ù 1 Cor 4:6

7 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Preachers Ù Preaching is important to God, His will Rom 10:14 Yet, preachers are still only men…there is no “clergy” system in the Bible

8 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Preachers Ù Preachers are authoritative only when they speak the word of God truthfully 1 Tim 6:3-5 2 Tim 4:1-5 1 Pet 4:11

9 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Feelings Ù Our feelings only address physical needs; they cannot settle spiritual matters. They can be wrong Gen 37:29-36 Prov 28:26

10 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Human Creeds Ù Such “religious manuals” are only as good as the human wisdom that produces them. They invalidate the word of God cp. Mt 15:1-9

11 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Want to emphasize a subtle distinction… We should not make our appeal to the New Testament (2nd Covenant) For authority in religion, we should make our appeal to Jesus Christ Mt 28:18 Heb 1:1-2 His identity makes the N.T. relevant, binding

12 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles As an extension of Himself, Jesus hand chose 12 disciples…eventually made them “apostles” Mt 10:5, 16 Jn 13:20 20:21 These men were given a “unique” place in the history of the N.T. church Eph 2:20 1 Cor 3:11 They were eyewitnesses cp. Acts 1:15-26

13 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles To believe & teach the apostles as having authority doesn’t deify them…it only recognizes their unique standing in the N.T. kingdom The authority of Jesus Christ is inherent The authority of His apostles is delegated

14 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of Jesus Christ Authoritative by claims He made re: Himself Jn 7:16-18 12:42-50 As the “Apostle and High Priest of our confession” Jesus has the right to speak with authority Heb 3:1

15 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

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