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Supporting Our GLBTQ Community GLBTQ A very large community of people…..who are often lumped together under this acronym.

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2 Supporting Our GLBTQ Community

3 GLBTQ A very large community of people…..who are often lumped together under this acronym

4 GLB Gay Lesbian and Bi-sexual  Refers to Sexual Orientation  Who someone is attracted to  There are many forms of sexual orientation including straight, gay,lesbian, bi-sexual

5 A common question?? When did you know you were gay?

6 The “T” in GLBTQ  Transgender  Has nothing to do with gender identity  Nothing to do with who you are attracted to  We all have a gender identity  Researchers suggest that a person’s gender identity is set by age 3

7 Gender Identity Person’s deeply felt sense of being male, female something else or something in between.

8 Transgender When the feeling you have about who you are does not match your physical body

9 GLBTQ……what about the Q? Queer – can include anyone whose sexuality or gender identity fall outside the heteronormative bounds And OR???? Questioning – a person who is unsure of their gender identity or sexual orientation

10 Two –Spirited 2S Some aboriginal people identify themselves as two-spirited rather that lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender persons

11 Gender Expression  Is the manner in which a person expresses their gender identity to others  Often based on the binary model of gender….stereotypically male or female  Our society aggressively acts to police gender expression  It can often place people in unsafe situations  Sometimes violent reactions from members of society who feel a woman is acting too masculine or a male is acting too feminine

12 Transgender and Gender Non- Conforming Students Recently released guidelines for schools in supporting transgender and gender non conforming students

13 So why the need to support our GLBTQ community?  GLBTQ Youth between the ages 18 -24 are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual peers  They are over 8 times more likely if they do not have the support of their family  In 2010, 47% of trans youth in Ontario had thought about suicide and 19% had attempted  A study in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario revealed that 28% of transgender and Two Sprit people had attempted suicide at least once.

14 We live in a binary heterosexist world Which is full of assumptions and exclusions

15 Supporting Our GLBTQ Community Be open to learning Be genuinely interested Seek to understand Not only for your students but for their families

16 Seek to Understand the Dominant Narrative Challenge our own assumptions Think outside the binary world

17 Watch your language

18 Include GLBTQ community in your curriculum Intentional Positive Fold GLBTQ experience into everyday life

19 What do you stand for? What will you not stand for? What we allow we condone

20 Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” How you say something is as important as what you say We send messages every day(body language, acceptance, tone of voice)

21 Look at the everyday forms and processes we use  Emergency contact information - relationship??  Male/female as opposed to gender identification  Preferred name  Preferred pronoun

22 Support GSAs in your organization

23 Provide safe access to washroom and change-room facilities in accordance with the student’s gender identity

24 Ensure dress codes support the full expression of the people’s gender identity

25 To be an ally….  Be open  Visible and vocal  Evaluate language  Challenge your assumptions  Practice every day  Stand up  Advocate for policy and practices  Keep learning

26 The Youth Project

27 Why Does it Matter?? By Max Jones

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