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4th Grade Social Studies

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1 4th Grade Social Studies
Indiana History 4th Grade Social Studies Test Review 0. Jeopardy Game

2 Rules for Indiana Jeopardy
Split class into teams of 5. One team picks a category and a point value. If the question is answered correctly that team is awarded the points. If it is answered incorrectly the points are deducted. After each question is answered, click the home button(state flag) to return to the jeopardy board After all categories are completed, point totals are added up and the team with the most points wins.

3 Famous People Important Dates Interesting Facts Landmarks Cities & Counties 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 200 pt 200 pt 200pt 200 pt 200 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt

4 this person had 5 brothers and recorded several #1 hits
From Gary, Indiana, this person had 5 brothers and recorded several #1 hits

5 Who is Michael Jackson

6 I am the American pioneer who introduced apple trees to large parts of Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana.

7 Who is Johnny Appleseed

8 This Vice President served under
George H. W. Bush.

9 3. Who is Dan Quayle

10 I conquered Indiana for the
United States.

11 Who is George Rodgers Clark

12 We are the only three Presidents to reside in the state of Indiana.

13 Who is Benjamin Harrison,
William Henry Harrison, and Abraham Lincoln 5. 7. 6.

14 Indiana became the 19th state on this date?

15 What is December 11, 1816.

16 Vincennes became Indiana’s first permanent settlement in this year?

17 What is 1732

18 The oldest university in Indiana,
8. The oldest university in Indiana, the University of Notre Dame was founded in what year?

19 What is 1842

20 Indianapolis becomes the state capitol of Indiana in which year?

21 What is 1825

22 Indiana was first explored by the French in this year.

23 What is 1702

24 What is the state motto of Indiana?

25 What is “The Crossroads of America”
11. What is “The Crossroads of America”

26 The state flower of Indiana is known as this?

27 What is the peony. 12.

28 Where does this rank nationally?
Based on 2009 estimates by the United States Census Bureau, Indiana has a population of 6,423,113. Where does this rank nationally?

29 What is 16th. 13.

30 Indiana is 36,420 square feet. Where does this rank among the 50 States?

31 14. What is 38th.

32 What is the meaning of Indiana?

33 What is “land of the Indians”
15. What is “land of the Indians”

34 From 1000 to 1600 AD, this site was home to people of the Middle Mississippian culture. They built many mounds at this 100-acre community.

35 16. What is Angel Mounds.

36 This place is home to the biggest Indy Car race of the year, known as the Indy 500.

37 Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
What is Indianapolis Motor Speedway. 18.

38 This historical landmark was home to the 16th President of the United States. He grew up here from 1816 to 1830.

39 Lincoln’s Boyhood Home.
19. What is Lincoln’s Boyhood Home.

40 In the Battle of Tippecanoe on November 7, 1811, Indiana Territory Governor William Henry Harrison and his force of 1,000 men defeated the Shawnee and their leader Tenskwatawa at this National Landmark.

41 What is the Tippecanoe Battlefield

42 Overlooking the Ohio River, this landmark manufactured thread and cloth for over 100 years from 1851 to 1954.

43 21. What is the Cannelton Cotton Mill.

44 The first capitol of Indiana was known as?

45 What is Corydon. 22.

46 What is the smallest city in Indiana?

47 23. What is Frankton.

48 Name the counties that surround Vanderburgh.

49 What are Posey, Gibson, and Warrick.

50 How many counties are in the state of Indiana?

51 25. What is 92 counties.

52 The three largest cities in Indiana are Indianapolis,
Fort Wayne, and Evansville. Can you name the counties in which these cities fall?

53 What is Marion, Allen, and Vanderburgh.
27. Marion Vanderburgh 28. Allen 26.

54 Picture References 0.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

55 Picture References Cont.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

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