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Last test… WATER! Chapter 9 – Surface Water Chapter 10 – Groundwater

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1 Last test… WATER! Chapter 9 – Surface Water Chapter 10 – Groundwater
Chapter 15 – Earth’s Oceans Tentative Test Date : Friday December 3

2 Chapter 9 Surface Water Page 222

3 9.1 Surface Water Movement
The Water Cycle = repeated evaporation and condensation powered by the sun. The pathway may spend time within a living organism or as part of a glacier, lake, ocean, etc.

4 Runoff = water that flows downslope along Earth’s surface
May join a stream, evaporate, or accumulate and turn into GROUNDWATER. 4 main conditions determine whether if runoff becomes groundwater: 1. Soil Composition 2. Rate of Precipitation 3. Vegetation 4. Slope

5 Stream Systems Not all precipitation doesn’t
enter the ground immediately. TRIBUTARIES – Rivers that flow into other rivers/streams WATERSHED – all of the land area that contributes/runs off into the stream DIVIDE – a high land area that separates one watershed from another.

6 Stream Load = The material that a stream carries. The stream load can be carried in 1 of 3 ways: 1. Materials in suspension – large materials are carried in faster moving water. 2. Bed Load – larger pieces of a stream that can’t be carried by water, but instead is pushed and rolled. 3. Materials in Solution –minerals that are dissolved and carried away in the water.

7 Floods = Occurs when water spills over the sides of the stream’s banks
Floodplain = broad, flat area that extends out from the water

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