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Health in All Policies: Fracking Injection Well Advocacy in Texas Lessons Learned Lisa Campbell, DNP, RN, APHN-BC Associate Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "Health in All Policies: Fracking Injection Well Advocacy in Texas Lessons Learned Lisa Campbell, DNP, RN, APHN-BC Associate Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health in All Policies: Fracking Injection Well Advocacy in Texas Lessons Learned Lisa Campbell, DNP, RN, APHN-BC Associate Professor

2 Disclosures I have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

3 Identify key stakeholders in the advocacy process. Formulate strategies to improve public participation with oil & gas disposal (fracking) wells. Objectives

4 Time Line Early stages: Unconscious Incompetence – you don’t know what you don’t know! Realized an issue was in our “back- yard” Advocating during Commissioners Court

5 Victoria County Commissioners Court- October 7, 2013 Presentation of a protest against a saltwater injection well. Petradome requested permit from RRC to use an existing well as a disposal for the produced water. If approved would be the 20 th active disposal well in county. Location near 2 city water wells. Catahoula aquifer.

6 Commissioner Danny Garcia & Commissioner Neil Fritsch Calhoun Co.

7 Bloomington, Texas

8 County Commissioner to bring well protest to State… Victoria Advocate: October 8, 2013 Commissioner Danny Garcia- No guarantees & if something goes wrong it will disturb the water supply for the community. Dr. Lisa Campbell - If their health is impacted, it impacts us all of us. “She is concerned about methane contamination to the community's drinking water.” Little did I know… The Environmental Protection Agency reports that of the estimated 144,000 oil and gas-related wells operating in the United States, more than 2 billion gallons of brine, or saltwater, is injected into the ground every day. Most oil and gas injection wells are in Texas, California, Oklahoma and Kansas.

9 Bloomington = 2, 519 Victoria Co. = 87K Eagle Ford Shale Play

10 Oil & Gas Wells in Bloomington GIS Map Texas RRC

11 Conscious Incompetence: Learning about the issue Early Networking: APHA PHN Section Members APHA Conference November 2013: EPA, Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments, Physicians for Social Responsibility Review of the literature Time Line

12 Engaging Others Conscious Competence: Empowerment through knowledge Local Stakeholders/Community Members Engaged Doctor of Nursing Students Texas Tech Health Sciences Center School of Nursing UT Environmental Law Clinic

13 Texas Injection Well Team : Collaboration Kent Vandergriff, Teresa Clark, Orlando Chapa, & Lisa Campbell

14 Inter-professional Collaboration: Leveraging Resources University of Texas School of Law Kelly Haragan, JD - Director of the Environmental Law Clinic

15 Recommended Prospective Petitioners Mike Gershon, JD

16 Representative Todd Hunter, JD Texas House Member & Calendars Chair

17 Power of Networking Valuable advise and information; Texas RRC Sunset Review 2016-17; Keep the focus on the public’s health and safety; Arrange meeting & introductions with RRC; Increase likelihood of success!

18 Petition for Rulemaking: Saltwater & Oil & Gas Waste 16 T.A.C. § 1.21 (1) require mailed notice to adjacent surface landowners and relevant ground water conservation districts of applications for disposal of saltwater and/or oil and gas waste; (2) create a mailing list of interested persons who may apply to receive notice of disposal and injection well permit applications within a particular county; (3) require applications for such disposal well permits to include a map identifying the location of the proposed well and a listing of the chemical composition of the proposed disposal fluids. (4) Oil & gas disposal wells on RRC GIS Map Viewer

19 Evergreen, Pecan Valley, Wintergarden, Goliad & Victoria Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) Submitted 4-8-15 Rejected 20 days later!! Rule Making Petition Submitted

20 Meeting with the RRC 6-5-15 GCDs, County Commissioners Shared stories Proposed changes would improve GCDs operations Improve transparency & public participation Still waiting for follow-up from RRC

21 Lessons Learned It takes time, so far 2 years; Patience; Network & build relationships; Focus on protecting health; Listen & try not to get emotional!

22 References DiGiulio, D. C., Wilkin, R. T., & Miller, C. (2011). Investigation of ground water contamination near Pavilion, Wyoming. Retrieved from Ehrenberg, R. (2012). The facts behind the FRACK. (cover story). Science News, 182(5), 20-25. Finkel, M., & Law, A. (2011). The rush to drill for natural gas: A public health cautionary tale. American Journal of Public Health, 101(5), 784- 785. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2010.300089 Frack Tracker Alliance. (2015). Here they come again! The impact of oil and gas truck traffic. Retrieved from Kaktin, N. (2011). Drilling the Marcellus Shale for natural gas: Environmental health issues for nursing. Pennsylvania Nurse, 66(1), 4-9. McDermott-Levy, R., & Kaktin, N. (2012). Preserving health in the Marcellus Region. Pennsylvania Nurse, 67(3), 4-12. McKenzie, L. M., Witter, R. Z., Newman, L. S., & Adgate, J. L. (2012). Human health risk assessment of air emissions from development of unconventional natural gas resources. Science of the Total Environment, 424(1), 79-87. Osborn, S. G., Vengosh, A., Warner, N. R., & Jackson, R. B. (2011). Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing: Supporting Information. Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science. doi: 0.1073/pnas.1100682108 Rahm, D. (2011). Regulating hydraulic fracturing in shale gas plays: The case of Texas. Energy Policy, 39(5), 2974-2981. Texas Railroad Commission [RRC]. (n.d.). NORM-Naturally occurring radioactive material. from Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Disclosure Requirements, §3.28 C.F.R. (2011). U.S. Government Accountability Office [GAO]. (January 2012). Energy-water NEXUS: Information on the quantity, quality, and management of water produced during oil and gas production [Report GAO-12-156]. (GAO-12-156).

23 Additional questions can be directed to: Lisa Campbell, DNP, RN, APHN-BC


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