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1. What was the number of wolves and moose in 1980?

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1 1. What was the number of wolves and moose in 1980?
BELL RINGER 1. What was the number of wolves and moose in 1980? 50 wolves and 800 moose 2. What is the relationship between the Wolves and Moose Predation Wolf – Predator Moose - Prey

Objectives: Compare and contrast factors that limit population growth. Sequence the stages of ecological succession.

3 LIMITING FACTORS Limiting Factors
Limiting Factors: any biotic or abiotic factors that cause a decrease in population growth. Limiting Factors Human Disturbances Competition Predation Natural Disasters Parasitism & Disease Density Dependent Density Independent

4 Density Dependent limiting factors: Factors that depend on population size. (Competition, predation, food, disease, and parasitism) Density Independent limiting factors: Affect all populations in a similar way independent of population size. (Draught, wild fire, volcanic eruptions, hurricane, deforestation)

PRIMARY SUCCESSION SECONDARY SUCCESSION Colonization of barren land were there are no living organisms (land formed from volcano eruption) The sequence of changes that take place after an existing community is severely disrupted. Land that contains soil and life. (Forest fire, flood, hurricane, tornado)

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