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1 A Comparative Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Approaches to the Automatic Detection of Common Grammatical Errors Joachim Wagner, Jennifer Foster, and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Comparative Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Approaches to the Automatic Detection of Common Grammatical Errors Joachim Wagner, Jennifer Foster, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Comparative Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Approaches to the Automatic Detection of Common Grammatical Errors Joachim Wagner, Jennifer Foster, and Josef van Genabith 2007-07-26 National Centre for Language Technology School of Computing, Dublin City University

2 2 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

3 3 Why Judge the Grammaticality? Grammar checking Computer-assisted language learning –Feedback –Writing aid –Automatic essay grading Re-rank computer-generated output –Machine translation

4 4 Why this Evaluation? No agreed standard Differences in –What is evaluated –Corpora –Error density –Error types

5 5 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

6 6 Deep Approaches Precision grammar Aim to distinguish grammatical sentences from ungrammatical sentences Grammar engineers –Increase coverage –Avoid overgeneration For English: –ParGram / XLE (LFG) –English Resource Grammar / LKB (HPSG) –RASP (GPSG to DCG influenced by ANLT)

7 7 Shallow Approaches Real-word spelling errors –vs grammar errors in general Part-of-speech (POS) n-grams –Raw frequency –Machine learning-based classifier –Features of local context –Noisy channel model –N-gram similarity, POS tag set

8 8 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

9 9 Artificial Error Corpus Real Error Corpus (Small) Error Analysis Common Grammatical Error Chosen Error Types Automatic Error Creation Modules Applied to BNC (Big)

10 10 Common Grammatical Errors 20,000 word corpus Ungrammatical English sentences –Newspapers, academic papers, emails, … Correction operators –Substitute (48 %) –Insert (24 %) –Delete (17 %) –Combination (11 %)

11 11 Common Grammatical Errors 20,000 word corpus Ungrammatical English sentences –Newspapers, academic papers, emails, … Correction operators –Substitute (48 %) –Insert (24 %) –Delete (17 %) –Combination (11 %) Agreement errors Real-word spelling errors

12 12 Chosen Error Types Agreement: She steered Melissa around a corners. Real-word: She could no comprehend. Extra word: Was that in the summer in? Missing word: What the subject?

13 13 Automatic Error Creation Agreement: replace determiner, noun or verb Real-word: replace according to pre-compiled list Extra word: duplicate token or part-of-speech, or insert a random token Missing word: delete token (likelihood based on part-of-speech)

14 14 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

15 15 1 BNC Test Data (1) BNC: 6.4 M sentences 4.2 M sentences (no speech, poems, captions and list items) 234105 … Randomisation 10 sets with 420 K sentences each

16 16 BNC Test Data (2) 1234105 … 1234 5 … Error creation 1234105 … 1234 5 … 1234 5 … Agreement Real-word Extra word Missing word Error corpus

17 17 BNC Test Data (3) 1 10 1 1 … 1 … 1 … Mixed error type ¼ each

18 18 BNC Test Data (4) 1111111111 10 ……………50 sets 5 error types: agreement, real-word, extra word, missing word, mixed errors Each 50:50 ungrammatical:grammatical

19 19 BNC Test Data (5) 1111111111 10 …………… 2222222222 Training data (if required by method) Test data Example: 1 st cross- validation run for agreement errors

20 20 Evaluation Measures Accuracy on ungrammatical data acc_ungram = # correctly flagged as ungrammatical # ungrammatical sentences Accuracy on grammatical data acc_gram = # correctly classified as grammatical # grammatical sentences Independent of error density of test data

21 21 Accuracy Graph

22 22 Region of Improvement

23 23 Region of Degradation

24 24 Undecided

25 25 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

26 26 Overview of Methods M1M2M3M4M5 XLE Output POS n-gram information Basic methodsDecision tree methods

27 27 Method 1: Precision Grammar XLE English LFG Fragment rule –Parses ungrammatical input –Marked with * Zero number of parses Parser exceptions (time-out, memory) M1

28 28 XLE Parsing 110 … 1 … 1 … 1 … 1 … 50 x 60 K = 3 M parse results XLE First 60 K sentences M1

29 29 Method 2: POS N-grams Flag rare POS n-grams as errors Rare: according to reference corpus Parameters: n and frequency threshold –Tested n = 2, …, 7 on held-out data –Best: n = 5 and frequency threshold 4 M2

30 30 POS N-gram Information 110 … 1 … 1 … 1 … 1 … 3 M frequency values Rarest n-gram Reference n-gram table Repeated for n = 2, 3, …, 7 9 sets M2

31 31 Method 3: Decision Trees on XLE Output Output statistics –Starredness (0 or 1) and parser exceptions (-1 = time-out, -2 = exceeded memory, …) –Number of optimal parses –Number of unoptimal parses –Duration of parsing –Number of subtrees –Number of words M3

32 32 Decision Tree Example Star? <0 >= 0 Star? <1 >= 1 U U Optimal? <5>= 5 UG M3 U = ungrammatical G = grammatical

33 33 Method 4: Decision Trees on N- grams Frequency of rarest n-gram in sentence N = 2, …, 7 –feature vector: 6 numbers M4

34 34 Decision Tree Example 5-gram? <4 >= 4 7-gram? <1 >= 1 G U 5-gram? <45>= 45 UG M4

35 35 Method 5: Decision Trees on Combined Feature Sets Star? <0 >= 0 Star? <1 >= 1 U U 5-gram? <4>= 4 UG M5

36 36 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

37 37 XLE Parsing of the BNC 600,000 grammatical sentences 2.4 M ungrammatical sentences Parse-testfile command –Parse-literally 1 –Max xle scratch storage 1,000 MB –Time-out 60 seconds –No skimming

38 38 Efficiency 10,000 BNC sentences (grammatical) Time-out

39 39 XLE Parse Results and Method 1 Gramm.Agree.Real-w.Extra-w.Missing Covered67.1%35.4%42.7%40.3%52.2% Fragments29.7%58.3%53.8%56.4%44.6% No parse0.3%0.4%0.3% Time-out0.6%1.1%0.7%0.6% Out-of-memory2.3%4.8%2.6%2.4%2.2% Crash (absolute)23432 Accuracy M167.1%64.6%57.3%59.7%47.8%

40 40 XLE Coverage 5 x 600 K Test data

41 41 Applying Decision Tree to XLE M3 M1

42 42 Overall Accuracy for M1 and M3

43 43 Varying Training Error Density M3 50% M1 M3 40% M3 33% 20% 25% M3 60% M3 67% M3 75%

44 44 Varying Training Error Density M3 50% M1 M3 40% M3 33% 20% 25% M3 60% M3 67% M3 75%

45 45 Varying Training Error Density M1: XLE M3: with decision tree M3 50% M1 M3 40% M3 43%

46 46 Varying Training Error Density M1: XLE M3: with decision tree M3 50% M1 M3 40% M3 43%

47 47 N-Grams and DT (M2 vs M4) M4 50% M4 67% M4 25% M4 75% M2 M2: Ngram M4: DT

48 48 Methods 1 to 4 M3 43% M3 50% M4 50% M2 M1: XLE M2: Ngram M3/4: DT M1

49 49 Combined Method (M5) 50% 67% 25% 75% 80% 90% 10%, 20%

50 50 All Methods M1: XLE M2: Ngram M3/4: DT M5: comb M3 43% M3 50% M2 M1 M5 50% M5 45% M4

51 51 Breakdown by Error Type M5 45% M1 M5 50%

52 52 Breakdown by Error Type r.w.e.w. M5 45% M1 M5 50% M3 43% M3 50%

53 53 Talk Outline Motivation Background Artificial Error Corpus Evaluation Procedure Error Detection Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion and Future Work

54 54 Conclusions Basic methods surprisingly close to each other Decision tree –Effective with deep approach –Small and noisy improvement with shallow approach Combined approach best on all but one error type

55 55 Future Work Error types: –Word order –Multiple errors per sentence Add more features Other languages Test on MT output Establish upper bound

56 56 References E. Atwell: How to detect grammatical errors in a text without parsing it. In Proceedings of the 3rd EACL, pp 38-45, 1987 M. Butt, H. Dyvik, T. H. King, H. Masuichi, and C. Rohrer: The parallel grammar project. In Proceedings of COLING-2002 J. Foster: Good Reasons for Noting Bad Grammar: Empirical Investigations into the Parsing of Ungrammatical Written English. Ph.D. thesis, University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2005 J. Wagner, J. Foster and J. van Genabith: A Comparative Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Approaches to the Automatic Detection of Common Grammatical Errors. In Proceedings of EMNLP-CoNLL 2007 I. H. Witten and E. Frank: Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000

57 57 Thank You! Djamé Seddah (La Sorbonne University) National Centre for Language Technology School of Computing, Dublin City University

58 58 Why not use F-Score? Precision and F-Score –Depend on error density of test data –What are true positives? –Weighting parameter of F-score Recall and 1-Fallout –Accuracy on ungrammatical data –Accuracy on grammatical data

59 59 Results: F-Score

60 60 F-Score (tp=correctly flagged)

61 61 POS n-grams and Agreement Errors n = 2, 3, 4, 5 Best F-Score 66 % Best Accuracy 55 % XLE parser F-Score 65 %

62 62 POS n-grams and Context- Sensitive Spelling Errors Best F-Score 69 % n = 2, 3, 4, 5 XLE 60 % Best Accuracy 66 %

63 63 POS n-grams and Extra Word Errors n = 2, 3, 4, 5 Best F-Score 70 % XLE 62 % Best Accuracy 68 %

64 64 POS n-grams and Missing Word Errors n = 2, 3, 4, 5 Best F-Score 67 % XLE 53 % Best Accuracy 59 %

65 65 Inverting Decisions

66 66 Why Judge Grammaticality? (2) Automatic essay grading Trigger deep error analysis –Increase speed –Reduce overflagging Most approaches easily extend to –Locating errors –Classifying errors

67 67 Grammar Checker Research Focus of grammar checker research –Locate errors –Categorise errors –Propose corrections –Other feedback (CALL) Approaches: –Extend existing grammars –Write new grammars

68 68 N-gram Methods Flag unlikely or rare sequences –POS (different tagsets) –Tokens –Raw frequency vs. mutual information Most publications are in the area of context-sensitive spelling correction –Real word errors –Resulting sentence can be grammatical

69 69 Test Corpus - Example Missing Word Error She didn’t to face him She didn’t want to face him

70 70 Test Corpus – Example 2 Context-sensitive spelling error I love then both I love them both

71 71 Cross-validation Standard deviation below 0.006 Except Method 4: 0.026 High number of test items Report average percentage

72 72 Example RunF-Score 10.654 20.655 3 4 50.653 60.652 70.653 80.657 90.654 100.653 Stdev0.001 Method 1 – Agreement errors: 65.4 % average F-Score

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