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Chapter 7 Early China Lesson 4: China’s Longest Dynasty: The Zhou Dynasty pp. 175-177 Wu Wang overthrew Shang government Declared a new dynasty called.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Early China Lesson 4: China’s Longest Dynasty: The Zhou Dynasty pp. 175-177 Wu Wang overthrew Shang government Declared a new dynasty called."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Early China Lesson 4: China’s Longest Dynasty: The Zhou Dynasty pp. 175-177 Wu Wang overthrew Shang government Declared a new dynasty called Zhou (JOH) Ruled 800 years

2 How did the Zhou Rule China? King led the government Ruled with bureaucracy-officials who carry out the task of the government Aristocrats governed territories King’s chief duty was to carry out religious ceremonies to please the gods

3 The Right to Rule Mandate of Heaven - belief that the Chinese king’s right to rule came from the gods King must rule the proper “Way” known as the Dao or Tao Changed what the Zhou people expected from their king –His duty was to honor and please the gods –If there was a natural disaster, the king must have failed and must be replaced

4 Technology and Trade Before, had to rely on rain Zhou kings developed new ways to irrigate the land Better water supply = more crops Trade can expand –Silk found as far away as Greece

5 War Between the States Aristocrats grew powerful – ignored the king Aristocrats began to fight one another Fought for 200 years Known as “Period of the Warring States”

6 “Period of Warring States” Aristocrats forced farmers to serve as soldiers Soldiers used swords, spears, and crossbows Developed saddle and stirrups

7 Research Questions 1. What was the chief duty of the Zhou kings? 2. Why did the king divide the kingdom into smaller territories? 3. Explain the meaning of the term hereditary. 4. In your own words, explain the Mandate of Heaven. 5. How long did the Zhou Dynasty last? What caused this dynasty to end. 6. Compare and contrast the government of the Zhou Dynasty to our U.S. government.

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