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Women In Combat Stephanie Beddow Period 3 May, 2012.

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1 Women In Combat Stephanie Beddow Period 3 May, 2012

2 Different Views 1st View Women shouldn’t be able to fight in combat. 2nd View Women should be able to fight in combat.

3 Women Shouldn’t Serve in Combat Women’s emotions can “control” decisions. Rick Santorum believes that it is best if women don’t fight. He also believes that it would be best for a mission if women weren’t involved. “Emotions can create a compromising situation.” -Rick Santorum

4 Women Shouldn’t Serve in Combat In general, women aren’t physically stronger than men. On average, a woman’s upper body strength is lesser than a young man’s. Men can tend to be more aggressive than an average woman. Women aren’t as strong as men


6 Women Shouldn’t Serve in Combat It can interfere with their “male bonding”. A lot of men don’t know how to work with women. Most men see a woman as a “victim”, not a fighter. The men have issues with it

7 Women Should Serve in Combat Modern warfare has changed. Women’s rights have progressed. Women and men are on a more level playing field. Rules are outdated

8 Capt. Gina Jennings in F-16 cockpit.

9 Women Should Serve in Combat Women now have higher education and training. It can improve the U.S. military ranking. Many women volunteer, but get denied. It can improve the military

10 Women Should Serve in Combat Allows women to achieve higher rankings. Women have a chance to earn more money. Could receive medals that men receive. Gives women more opportunities

11 Conclusion Women Shouldn’t Serve Emotions can come into play. Women aren’t as physically strong as men. Some men have problems with women serving in combat. Women Should Serve These laws are very outdated. Women serving can improve the military. Women fighting can give the military more opportunities.

12 In my opinion... Personally, I believe that women deserve an equal opportunity to serve for their country.

13 Women go through the same training as men. They are willing to serve. Everyone deserves an equal chance at making a living. This could improve military ranks.

14 Huffington Post. "Rick Santorum: Women In Combat Could Create 'Compromising Situation' Because Of 'Emotions.'" Politics. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2012.. roles_n_1267851.html Burgess, Marjorie. "Women in the Military? -- in Combat???" Women's Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2012.. 167653030326964303033333839 Harding, Alison. "Women Should Be Allowed to Serve in Combat." Women's Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2012.. military.women_1_combat-units-direct-combat-roles-iraq-and- afghanistan?_s=PM:POLITICS Associated Press. "US Sen. Scott Brown favors allowing women in combat units." Politics. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2012.. associated-press-us-sen-scott-brown-favors-allowing-women-in-combat-units Penning, Susan. Female Fighters Display 'Lethal, Effective Force'. 27 June 2005. SIRS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2012. Norris, David A. Life On The Home Front During WWI. Aug. 2006. SIRS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2012. Citations

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