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Designed for students to develop students physical activity and daily living.

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1 Designed for students to develop students physical activity and daily living

2 PRE & POST TESTS The battery of test are : 1. Height and Weight 2. Sit and Reach 3. Push-ups 4. Curl-ups 5. Pull-ups 6. 40 yard dash 7. 12 min run/walk

3 TESTS Height will be recorded with shoes off. Weight will be recorded with shoes off Pull up- Tests students Upper body Strength and endurance Curl- up- Tests abdominal endurance 12 Minute Run- Test students cardiovascular endurance.

4 Tests Sit-Reach- Shoes are off, Legs Straight, Reach out and hold hands on the board. Test of flexibility Push-up- This test is to see upper body Strength and endurance 40 yard dash- tests speed. Two trails are given, fastest time will be recorded.

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