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Registered charity number 210252 Climate Change: the threat to civilisation; the challenge to engineers; the role of Professional Institutions Gordon Masterton,

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Presentation on theme: "Registered charity number 210252 Climate Change: the threat to civilisation; the challenge to engineers; the role of Professional Institutions Gordon Masterton,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Registered charity number 210252 Climate Change: the threat to civilisation; the challenge to engineers; the role of Professional Institutions Gordon Masterton, Immediate Past President, ICE 31 st May 2007

2 Global Temperature Rise Predictions

3 European Summer temperatures

4 ICE/ASCE/ CSCE - Engineering a Sustainable Future  Our current approach to development is unsustainable  Transparent procurement  Informed citizenship  Appropriate social, technical and economic tools  Continuing development  Engineers can bridge the gap between aspiration and practicality  Action plans to deliver sustainable development including Millennium Development Goals  We must respond to greatest risk – Climate Change Signed July, 2006 at ICE London. Gordon Masterton ICE Dennis Martensen ASCE Alistair Mackenzie CSCE



7 Energy efficiency and security of supply

8 Sustainable Flood Management

9 Global poverty

10 Urbanisation

11 Transportation

12 Integrated solutions

13 WIndfarm – 5gCO2eq/kWh

14 Nuclear – 5gCo2eq/kWh

15  80% world’s energy from fossil fuel  Energy sustains growth and social wellbeing  Deep energy cuts could lead to massive reduction in what we now define as quality of life  2004 - 26 billion tons CO2 worldwide  2030 – 40 billion tons CO2 worldwide  China overtakes USA as largest producer of CO2 by 2009?  Renewables won’t bridge this energy gap  “Nuclear power is the only green solution?”

16 Taxing the bads – not the goods!  Road-charging  Landfill tax  Eco-taxation  Road tax based on fuel efficiency  Water metering  Environmental rating tax for households  Tax deductions for energy efficiency  Tax credits for sustainable construction  Low carbon technologies made freely available

17 The Energy Hierarchy 1.Energy conservation 2.Energy efficiency 3.Use of renewable, sustainable resources 4.Use of non-sustainable resources using best available technologies consistent with cost 5.Legacy resources and technologies

18 Collaboration the Key  Climb out of the silos  Inter-disciplinary exchange  Cross-cultural collaboration  New ways to look at old problems  Pan-engineering; pan-scientific; pan-cultural groupings  Far-sighted politicians


20 Joseph Bazalgette

21 Schrodinger’s Illustration of the Quantum Jump 1 - isomeric level 1 (State 1) 2 - isomeric level 2 (State 2) 3 - Energy threshhold

22 Sunset technology or sunrise technology?

23 ICE/ IMechE Collaboration – Waste as a Resource

24 Waste and resource management

25 Royal Academy of Engineering/ The Engineering Institutions  Engineering Led Response to Climate Change  Response to the Stern Report proposing detailed study  A sound evidence base  An optimal approach  Identification of pinch-points  Professional Skills  Public acceptability  Decarbonising existing buildings  Decarbonising power supply  Transport  Technologies required in near term  Advice to government

26 Our time is short

27 Climate Change “The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing” “The only thing necessary for global catastrophe to occur is for well-informed engineers to do nothing.”

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