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Unit 7: Arab Americans Chapter 8 Multicultural Law Enforcement Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 4th Ed. Shusta, Levine, Wong, Olson,

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1 Unit 7: Arab Americans Chapter 8 Multicultural Law Enforcement Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 4th Ed. Shusta, Levine, Wong, Olson, and Harris CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

2 The following slides highlight key points you should learn from chapter 8. They in no way are meant to cover all the material in each chapter. Therefore students will still need to reference the full text material for quizzes and exams. CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

3 September 11 had a substantial impact on Arab American communities
September 11 had a substantial impact on Arab American communities. In every site, Arab Americans described heightened levels of public suspicion exacerbated by increased media attention and targeted governmental policies… Although community members also reported increased hate crimes, they expressed greater concern about being victimized by federal policies and practices than by individuals… CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

4 Demographics 3.5 to 4 million Arab Americans in the US.
Los Angeles, Detroit, New York, Chicago, and Washington DC have largest Arab communities Since 9/11 immigration has declined Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria are among Arab countries. Iran, Turkey, and Israel are NOT Arab countries. CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

5 Values Honor, pride, and respect Loyalty to the family before self
Courteous and hospitable communication Strong extended family network Traditionally, men are head of household, especially in public Children behavior should be respectful of family honor CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

6 Myths and Stereotypes Since 9/11, they are all terrorists
They are evil womanizers They are all wealthy oil sheiks They are thieves They own gas stations and quick marts Their religion is directly related to terrorism CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

7 Islamic Religion Religion is vital in Arab life; showing respect for Islamic customs and beliefs will help build rapport Muslims are the people who practice the religion called Islam. The Qur’an is regarded as the word of God (Allah). Muslims must pray 5 times a day Taboos are extremely sacred; one should understand customs (no shoes, avoid interrupting prayers, speak softly, etc.) Ramadan is the Holy Month Despite perceived differences, there are similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Just like in any religion, there are varying degrees of interpretation and tolerance among people CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

8 Communication Arabs are generally warm and expressive
Many may kiss each other on the cheeks when greeting. Many Arabs are comfortable speaking at a closer physical distance. There are different gestures for phrases. (p.252) Arab women may be emotionally expressive Words and insults are highly degrading. It challenges pride and honor. CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

9 Key Issues for Police Many Arab communities may be reluctant to reach out for assistance Past experiences in native countries may affect perceptions in America Women tend to dress modestly. Head coverings are important. Racial tensions may exist with Arab small business owners, because many are family run and give off the perception of being exploitive. Hate crimes against Arabs rose after 9/11. Relations between police and Arabs became strained after 9/11 due to fear of racial profiling. CJ 246 Unit 7 PowerPoint

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