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Strategic Plan Urowne University Library (Group 2) Cathy, Kim, Gigi, Johan, Park, Teresa, Antonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan Urowne University Library (Group 2) Cathy, Kim, Gigi, Johan, Park, Teresa, Antonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan Urowne University Library (Group 2) Cathy, Kim, Gigi, Johan, Park, Teresa, Antonia


3 we are the light house that guide your way We are not just fireworks,

4 Goal UU Library goal is to enhance and facilitate access to the collection

5 Objectives We aim to: Review existing collection and conduct user need assessment Explore the use of discovery tool to facilitate users to access e-resources Promote the use of e-resources

6 Outcome An updated and pertinent collection that meets users’ needs Increase usage of resources Enhance student learning Graduate on time

7 Action Plans To promote the use of e-resources 1.Conduct user need survey 2.Acquire good quality e-resources 3.Staff training on trend and important new areas of library services and technology 4.Conduct outreach activities to faculty and students 5.Offer more information literacy classes

8 Success Metrics ObjectiveSuccess Indicator Review existing collection and conduct user need assessment Respondents: -Students -faculty -administration Number of turnaways per month

9 Success Metrics ObjectiveSuccess Indicator Explore the use of discovery tool to facilitate users to access e-resources Number of staff trained Types of training taken Staff feedback Implementation of discovery tool Number of databases/resources acquired

10 Success Metrics ObjectiveSuccess Indicator Promote the use of e- resources Number of web access per month Number of downloaded articles per month Number of downloaded books per month

11 Success Metrics ObjectiveSuccess Indicators Promote the use of e- resources Number of citations per month Number of turnaways per month Number of IL classes Number of participant User feedback

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