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Update your Table of Contents Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped Read about The Legislative Branch & be ready to answer questions! (please.

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Presentation on theme: "Update your Table of Contents Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped Read about The Legislative Branch & be ready to answer questions! (please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update your Table of Contents Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped Read about The Legislative Branch & be ready to answer questions! (please do NOT write on the article) DateSession # ActivityPage # 12/3 30 Legislative Branch Graphic Organizer 50 Legislative Scavenger Hunt (turn in for a grade) 51


3 Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Which of the other 7 Principles of The Constitution might it represent indirectly?

4 Which Article of The Constitution describes the powers of the Legislative Branch? How many Sections are dedicated to the Legislative Branch? What is the main purpose of the Legislative Branch?

5 Laws are passed by a majority vote…what does that mean? The Legislative Branch is also referred to as… This branch is split into which two sections? How does someone become a member of either section of Congress? What if Congress wants to get rid of someone? What special privileges do members of Congress have?

6 House of Representatives # of Reps = 435 Term = 2 years/elected Qualifications: 25 years old U.S. citizen for 7 years Resident of the state they represent # of Reps = 100 Term = 6 years/elected Qualifications: 30 years old U.S. citizen for 9 years Resident of the state they represent Senate

7 House of Representatives Based on population 1 rep for every 500,000 people 2 Senators per state Senate

8 House of Representatives Begin impeachment process Introduce spending bills Act as the jury in impeachment trial Approve all people that the President appoints Ratifies treaties created by Executive branch Senate

9 Use the iPads in groups to complete the Legislative Scavenger Hunt – groups of 4 or less Each group member must turn in their own paper at the end of the class – put them in the basket! If you finish you may continue to use the iPad to complete “Ye Olde Congressional Homework”

10 Update your Table of Contents Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped Which Article of The Constitution deals with the Executive Branch? How many sections? DateSession # ActivityPage # 12/5 31Executive Branch Notes/Executive Branch Scavenger Hunt 52

11 What does the Legislative Branch do again? What are the powers of the House of Representatives? What are the powers of the Senate?

12 House of Representatives Begin impeachment process Introduce spending bills Act as the jury in impeachment trial Approve all people that the President appoints Ratifies treaties created by Executive branch Senate

13 watch?v=tyeJ55o3El0 watch?v=tyeJ55o3El0 How a Bill Becomes a Law…

14 Senate introduces the bill. The bill goes to committee. Senate votes on the bill. It is approved by a majority vote of at least 51% The bill moves on to the House of Representatives. The President receives the bill. He signs the bill and it becomes a law!

15 House of Representatives introduces a new tax bill. The bill goes to the House Committee The House votes on the tax bill and approves the bill by 51% The bill moves to Senate The Senate votes on the tax bill and approves it by at least 51% of the vote The President vetoes the bill

16 The bill returns to the House in which it originated; in this case the bill returns to the House of Representatives. The House overrides the Presidential veto by 66% (2/3) vote. The bill moves on to the Senate. The Senate also overrides the Presidential veto by 2/3 majority. The tax bill is now a law

17 “Executes” or carries out the laws created by the Legislative Branch President is the head of the Executive Branch

18 1. Commander in Chief – head of armed forces 2. Chief Executive –make sure everyone is doing their job (like CEO) 3. Chief of State – one person in charge of all foreign relations. Makes treaties with and meets with foreign leaders 4. Chief Legislator – has the power to veto laws, suggest certain laws 5. Chief of Party – head of their political party

19 The President gets help from his advisors… The Vice President (second-in-command) Department heads/Cabinet members Other agencies (government and independent) Vice President: Takes over if something happens to the President President of the Senate

20 Use the iPads, phones, computers in groups to complete the Executive Scavenger Hunt – groups of 4 or less Each group member must turn in their own paper at the end of the class – put them in the basket! If you finish you may continue to use the iPad to complete the Legislative Scavenger Hunt or your homework!

21 Update your Table of Contents Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped Get your “Ye Olde Congressional Homework” out to be checked…list of justices too! DateSession # ActivityPage # 12/7 32Judicial Branch Notes/Judicial Branch Scavenger Hunt 53

22 Made up of the countries court system Interprets the meaning of the laws & how the laws are applied Decides if any laws are “unconstitutional” (judicial review)

23 Highest court in the U.S. Made up of 9 justices/judges Chosen by the President, approved by the senate Have their job for life One of them is the Chief Justice Who are they??????

24 John G. Roberts, Jr. Antonin Scalia Anthony M. Kennedy Clarence Thomas Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen G. Breyer Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan

25 Use the iPads, phones, computers in groups to complete the Judicial Scavenger Hunt – groups of 4 or less Today you will keep your paper because you will need it for your presentation next class…try to come up with something creative!

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