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CSE 4939 CSE 4939 CSE Design Laboratory Prof. Aggelos Kiayias Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Way,

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1 CSE 4939 CSE 4939 CSE Design Laboratory Prof. Aggelos Kiayias Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Way, Unit 2155 Storrs, CT 06269 (860) 486-2122 Course material credits : Professors Shvartsman, Demurjian, Huang, and the instructor.

2 CSE 4939 Course Goals  CSE 4939: The “Second” Project Based Course  Follows CSE 261, 262, 263, 265, 268, 269  Similar Goals and Objectives but…  You control project - “Group Independent Study”  You make decisions, resolve problems, etc.  You apply your coursework and experiences  What is the Instructor’s Role?  Guide teams on potential project topics  Provide structural framework for the course  Present requirements for specifications, provide templates  Facilitate/organize meetings, respond to questions, etc.

3 CSE 4939 CSE 4939 Course Philosophy  CSE 4939: senior-level, team-based, design-oriented, writing-intensive, implementation-heavy course  Demonstrate ability  to work as a group  with minimal or no guidance  Team organizes, plans, specifies, designs, prototypes, implements, tests, reports, delivers!  Periodic updates  Using the web for delivery of material.

4 CSE 4939 Course Process and Overview  Identify Problem  Develop Specifications  Interactions and Feedback  Explore Design Alternatives  Detailed Design and Testing  Implementation & Integration  Team Interactions and Dynamics  Setting and Meeting Milestones  Evaluating Success/Failure  CSE Lab 1 (40XX / 26X)  First time through  Lots of guidance  Suggestions & advice  Instructor as manager  CSE 4939  Second Time  Minimal Guidance  Instructor as mentor, facilitator, coordinator  Major design experience - Implement / evaluate

5 CSE 4939 Texts and Class Materials  Primarily project-specific – gathered by the team  CSE 4939 web site.   Assignments and auxiliary documents  Legacy CSE 293 web site at   Older course materials made available on-line

6 CSE 4939 6 Semester Schedule  Milestone I: Teams formation and preliminary project idea – (due Jan. 26 th in forum).  Milestone II: Functional Specification – (due Feb. 9 th in forum and class).  Revised Specification – (due Feb 16 th in forum)  Milestone III : High Level Design – (due Feb. 23 rd in forum and class)  Detailed Design Extract – (due March 2 nd in forum)  Milestone IV : Development/Mgmt. Plan – (due March 16 th in forum and class).  Deliverable on Realistic Issues for product development – (due March 23 rd in forum).  Release 1 / Report – due March 30 th in forum.  Release 2 / Report and Presentation – due April 6 th in forum and class.  Release 3 / Report and Presentation – due April 27 th in forum and class.  Final Report/User Manual – due May 3 rd in forum.

7 CSE 4939 7 Specification!  Typical discussion  User to developer: “The system is not operating as specified!”  Developer to user: “No, the system is behaving exactly as specified!”  How can they both be right?  How to avoid this?

8 Lateness  Late submissions will not be allowed.  Teams that deliver late will have a penalty in their deliverable grade that may affect their final grade. Penalties accrue with every day a deliverable is late. CSE 4939 8

9 Example: Using UML  Typical project will be UML Based  UML is a Language for Specifying, Visualizing, Constructing, and Documenting Software Artifacts  What Does a Modeling Language Provide?  Model Elements: Concepts and Semantics  Notation: Visual Rendering of Model Elements  Guidelines: Hints and Suggestions for Using Elements in Notation  References and Resources  Web:  “The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual”, Addison-Wesley.

10 CSE 4939 10 UML Modeling Constructs/Diagrams Static vs. Dynamic Perspectives  A Diagram is a View Into a Model  Presented From the Aspect of a Particular Stakeholder  Provides a Partial Representation of the System  Is Semantically Consistent With Other Views  In the UML, There Are Nine Standard Diagrams  Static Views: Use Case, Class, Object, Component, Deployment  Dynamic Views: Sequence, Collaboration, Statechart, Activity

11 CSE 4939 UML Modeling Constructs/Diagrams Classification by Capability/Timeline  Use-Case Diagrams  Class and Object Diagrams  Behavior Diagrams  Statechart Diagrams  Activity Diagrams  Interaction Diagrams  Sequence Diagram  Collaboration Diagram  Implementation Diagrams  Component Diagram  Deployment Diagram

12 CSE 4939 12 Relationship Between Models and Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Scenario Diagrams Scenario Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams State Diagrams State Diagrams Component Diagrams Component Diagrams Component Diagrams Deployment Diagrams State Diagrams State Diagrams Object Diagrams Scenario Diagrams Scenario Diagrams Statechart Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Use Case Diagrams Sequence Diagrams State Diagrams State Diagrams Class Diagrams Activity Diagrams Models

13 CSE 4939 Semester Requirements  Summary  Teams of 3 to 5 students  “W” course means 15 pages/team member  Revisions cycles count towards page total  Submission to forum for all materials  Use of IDE or equivalent (e.g., Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc.)  Source Code Control (Subversion or equivalent)  Team and Individual Contributions

14 CSE 4939 Documentation Packages/Requirements  All Written Documents and Specifications must be submitted in PDF format  All Project Presentations Must be Done Using Powerpoint (PPT)  Where multiple files are involved / needed submit zipped files.

15 CSE 4939 Projects Considered in the Past  Social/professional networking  Car dealership infosystem  Peoplesoft replacement  Online Poker package with statistics  Marklin Digital Trains  Atari 800 Renovation  Web-Based Journal Editor  Heating System Design and Engineering

16 CSE 4939 Project/Team Documentation  Each Team will use the class forum for presenting their project. Each team will have its own “board” and in this board all material will be posted.  The board’s threads will be augmented with all the design Documents.  Take advantage of any documentation functionality.  Documentation of Java with Java Doc  Utilize Together Architect.  Utilize an IDE.

17 CSE 4939 First Class: Tasks  Choosing Teams: 3-5 people  Self-Organized Teams  Instructor Approves Teams  Meet & Brainstorming  Remainder of Class  Exchange Email and Phone Numbers  Discuss Project Ideas  Visit Prior Web Pages  First task Due January 26 th – Expect Feedback by Friday of that week (through the forum).  First Project Presentation February 9 th  20 to 30 minutes per team  Copy of Slides/Create & Post on forum

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