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Domestic Responsibilities UK, West Yorkshire, Leeds Shantona Women's Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Responsibilities UK, West Yorkshire, Leeds Shantona Women's Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Responsibilities UK, West Yorkshire, Leeds Shantona Women's Centre

2 Abul Momin and Sayed Loonat Research Officer Diversity & Equality Adviser

3 Diversity and Equality Umbrella Race / Ethnicity Gender Disability Religion Age Sexual orientation

4 Ethnic Groups

5 Religion - Leeds City Wide

6 From our Individual perspective Our Journey Structure for this presentation

7 Challenges “Perceptions” of Gender- Domestic Responsibilities Main Issues * Women * Discrimination * Responsibilities of Men * Traditional Values and Beliefs * The “Vision” ( Pigeon Holing)

8 Genderwise Project-Leeds Case Studies UK Perspective

9 The Statistics UK Population Leeds Population * Facts and Figures Facts About Women and Men In Great Britain

10 Summary of UK and international research 23% British father spend more than 28 hrs with their children a week compared to Germany 16%-France 10% Greece 10% Greece 4% and Denmark 41% UK Fathers do a third of parental childcare, 2hrs per day this is eight times more compared to 30 years ago.

11 UK Statistic Three quarter of mothers 77% felt their partner was as confident as they are Nine in ten new father 87% feel as confident as their partners at caring Half of new mothers 48% say they would like their partner to be more involved in the care of the children

12 UK Statistic Over two thirds of new fathers 70% say they would like to be more involved in the care of the children then they currently are Three in five new mothers 62% and 58% of all new fathers reject the idea that a dads main role is being that of breadwinner

13 Summary and conclusion Our role * Facts and Figures Gender Equality Duty Changing Picture

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