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| ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 1 |1 | ICD-11 Field Trials Progress & Way forward Nenad Kostanjsek Classifications, Terminologies, Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "| ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 1 |1 | ICD-11 Field Trials Progress & Way forward Nenad Kostanjsek Classifications, Terminologies, Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 1 |1 | ICD-11 Field Trials Progress & Way forward Nenad Kostanjsek Classifications, Terminologies, Standards (CTS) WHO FIC Network Meeting Barcelona, 16 October 2014

2 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 2 |2 | Why do we do Field trials? guide the revision process systematically test and enhance the ICD-11 provide the data and evidence serve as a method for implementation, capacity building for ICD-11

3 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 3 |3 | ICD-11 Field Trials (FT) Objectives –to test the “ fitness of ICD-11 for multiple purposes” Mortality coding Morbidity coding Other use cases –assessing the stability and comparability between ICD-10 and ICD-11. –ascertain the added value of ICD-11 when compared with ICD-10 or earlier versions.. Key Assessments Applicability – feasibility  easy to use Reliability - consistency  gives same results in the hands of all Utility - added value  renders useful information

4 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 4 |4 | Field Trial Studies 1.Core Studies (mandatory) –Study One: Basic Questions –Study Two: Bridge Coding –Study Three: Reliability 2.Additional Studies (optional) –Coding style, Stem and extension codes, Index, Quality of translations, Functioning properties, Overall architecture, other

5 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 5 |5 | Study 2 Bridge Coding “Stability with ICD-10” added and highlighted as an additional FT objective. Improve Study 2 Bridge Coding design –Phased approach “focused” Bridge coding in the initial FT phase Bridge coding on the full ICD-11 in second FT phase –mortality data sets –morbidity data sets Criteria based selection of ICD-11 categories and sections which should be subjected to field testing (Field Trial Units, FTUs): –high mortality, morbidity or disability burden –Key changes from ICD-10 –ICD-11 –Known ICD-10 coding errors or problems –high costs –part of a new Chapter 5

6 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 6 |6 | FT Core protocols and instruments enhancements Form I & Form B10 and B11: replace text “My Main Diagnosis is..” with “My code for the Main Diagnosis is..” Include questions on coding “certainty” and “ease of use” Form J: “coding guidelines unclear” as additional response option under Q2 reason for difference Form E & Form BE: Prompt for specific responses Provide instructions how to refer to specific ICD-11 categories or sections include follow-up question allowing to indicate reasons for ranking

7 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 7 |7 | Web-based data entry tool (ICD-FiT) prototype developed Key features Computer Assisted Personal Interviews(CAPIs ) for Core Protocols Interface with ICD-11 Browser Dashboard for CAPI admin. & assignment of user rights Responsive interface Support of multilingual versions

8 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 8 |8 | Completing ICD-11 FT preparations (by Dec 2014) Core Studies –Study 1 Basic Questions: Network/TAGs feedback on BQ Draft BQ questionnaire versions –Study 2 Bridge Coding: Provide mortality or morbidity data sets Specify protocol further –Study 3 Reliability: Development of standardized Case Summaries –Propose Field Trial Units (FTUs) –Make studies hypothesis driven Network/TAG input on ICD-10 problem & ICD-11 solution Additional Studies –Draft protocols –Develop instruments –Protocols on PRIMARY CARE versions Sampling & data analysis plan FT Management –Identify FTC –Identify “trajectory“ for FT implementation –Draft implementation plan ICDFiT –Functionalty test with FTC –Possible offline version

9 | ICD-11 Field Trials update | 16 Oct 2014 9 |9 | Completing ICD-11 FT preparations (2) (by March 2015) Translations of FT Material ICDFIT in multiple languge versions Education material ERC clearance Piloting of Core Studies

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