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A Quiet Talk on Tithing Dave Leppard, Trinity Alliance Church.

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2 A Quiet Talk on Tithing Dave Leppard, Trinity Alliance Church

3 Big Idea: Systematic giving, often expressed in tithing, is an absolutely essential aspect of spiritual maturity and crucial to the support of vibrant church life.

4 1)Tithing was the God-given system of giving for His people, Israel, in the Old Testament. 2) The New Testament does not command tithing for the Christian! The New Testament standard is much higher.

5 The real question for Christians is not, “How much should I give?” but, “How much shall I keep?” Therefore my conviction is that tithing is not a command but a wholesome and fitting starting point for believers.

6 3) Practical Thoughts about Tithing --It’s hard to begin! --It’s joyful to see how God provides once we step out by faith and start --It makes no difference whether we are rich or poor.

7 --We must take it out of our income first, not last. --We should not stop with tithing, but give more as the Holy Spirit leads us and love draws us. --We must surrender ourselves and trust the Holy Spirit within us for strength to do this. --We should do it willingly, deliberately, and joyfully.

8 My commitment……


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