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Policy Context Andrew Bell Head of Community Cohesion Team.

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1 Policy Context Andrew Bell Head of Community Cohesion Team

2 Community Relations, Equality & Diversity In Education Policy Policy Aim: To contribute to improving relations between communities by educating children and young people to develop self-respect and respect for others, promote equality and work to eliminate discrimination; and By providing formal and non-formal education opportunities for them to build relationships with those of different backgrounds and traditions within the resources available.

3 Community Relations, Equality & Diversity In Education Policy Premised on UN conventions, including UNCRC, and legislative requirement in S75 of NI Act Underpins & supports delivery of minimum curriculum requirements Links to other education and government policies, including ESAGS

4 Community Relations, Equality & Diversity In Education Policy Implementation support includes: Training & Capacity Building Resources Support through ELBs Dissemination of Good Practice, incl website Guidance, includes self assessment tool CRED Enhancement Scheme

5 Community Relations, Equality & Diversity In Education Policy Key Success Factors Whole school approach Quality Leadership & Management, incl BoGs, Principal & Senior Management Team Inclusion in School Development Plan Links to wider community

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