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Unit One - Words 1-10 - Grade Six Definition Context Clues Synonyms Antonyms Definition More Context Clues immenseingeniousirkmisgivingrecede ineptinstantaneouslibeloafrepast.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit One - Words 1-10 - Grade Six Definition Context Clues Synonyms Antonyms Definition More Context Clues immenseingeniousirkmisgivingrecede ineptinstantaneouslibeloafrepast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit One - Words 1-10 - Grade Six Definition Context Clues Synonyms Antonyms Definition More Context Clues immenseingeniousirkmisgivingrecede ineptinstantaneouslibeloafrepast

2 100 points - Definition a stupid person; a big, clumsy, slow individual oaf

3 200 points - Definition showing remarkable originality, inventiveness, or resourcefulness; clever ingenious

4 300 points - Definition repast a meal, food

5 400 points - Definition totally without skill or appropriateness inept

6 500 points - Definition irk to annoy, trouble, make weary

7 100 points – Context Clues Our Thanksgiving ________ always consists of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry salad. repast

8 200 points – Context Clues The girl was _________ by the continual questions asked by her friend. irked

9 300 points – Context Clues The tall basketball player felt __________ in the preschool classroom. immense

10 400 points – Context Clues I had never been on the university campus before, so I had ________ about which path to take to get to my class. misgivings

11 500 points – Context Clues The man __________ his opponent in the election when he wrongly stated that he shirked his military duties. libeled

12 100 points - Synonyms resourceful ingenious

13 200 points - Synonyms vex irk

14 300 points - Synonyms incompetent inept

15 400 points - Synonyms slur libel

16 500 points - Synonyms clod, lout oaf

17 100 points - Antonyms gradual instantaneous

18 200 points - Antonyms assurance misgiving

19 300 points - Antonyms advance recede

20 400 points - Antonyms infinitesimal immense

21 500 points - Antonyms uninventive ingenious

22 100 points – Definition to go or move backward; to become more distant recede

23 200 points – Definition totally without skill or appropriateness inept

24 300 points – Definition a feeling of fear, doubt, or uncertainty misgiving

25 400 points- Definition done in an instant; immediate instantaneous

26 500 points- Definition a written statement that unfairly or falsely harms the reputation of the person about whom it was made libel

27 100 points – More Context Some students act like _______ to get their classmates to laugh. Unfortunately, these students often then gain the reputation of not being very intelligent. oaf

28 200 points – More Context Using text language like “2” instead of “to” and “u” instead of “you” makes a writer appear _______ to a learned individual. inept

29 300 points – More Context When I saw the huge crowd blocking my way, I ________ back the way I had come and took a different route. receded

30 400 points – More Context A person lost in the woods who discovers a means of survival demonstrates ___________. ingenious

31 500 points – More Context Compared to an oven, a microwave is seems _________. instantaneous

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