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Regulatory policies on universal access to broadband services Interactive Workshop on Practical Strategies 8 September 2008, ITU-D Study Group 1, Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory policies on universal access to broadband services Interactive Workshop on Practical Strategies 8 September 2008, ITU-D Study Group 1, Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory policies on universal access to broadband services Interactive Workshop on Practical Strategies 8 September 2008, ITU-D Study Group 1, Geneva Andrew Dymond

2 Objective of presentation  Highlight a few key issues from the day  Identify related / associated practical strategies  Illustrate with country examples  Formulate opposing/alternate views  Propose & debate  Way forward? Final summary

3 Relationship of UAS to Broadband UAS policy Regional access, spread and growth of Internet services creates demand for broadband Broadband policy Demand stimulation & supply strategy e-government projects price reduction measures create investment & more opportunity for economic delivery Internet services Broadband facilities Converging into one policy?

4 Cases from this workshop (am)  India Integrated re-casting of broadband policy, regulation and the USOF’s role into broadband access Use of USOF funds  USA Inter-governmental agency collaboration to ensure broadband made available by various means – FCC, USF, USDA  Portugal Program energized by economic challenge – becoming competitive in the world Schools … schools …. schools! Mobile broadband as the favoured facility  Serbia Development of a US policy through sector & demand research. Need for broadband service identified Establish dual US target – Schools first broadband target in basic Scenario A Scenario B - Broadband to specific communities based on research outcomes

5  Brazil Incumbent PSTN operators committed to extension of the backbone All municipalities to be connected All urban schools to have free broadband, under Government initiative  Dominican Republic Needed to change the paradigm Various local access centre project models Rural connectivity programme to connect each municipal district Zero subsidies  Mobile banking “Banking the un-banked” > Financial inclusion 85% of m-banking customers in developing countries Massive remittance market No broadband implications except capacity for growth Cases from this workshop (pm)

6 Suggested topics for discussion  Are UAS and Broadband policy converging? What are the challenges, hurdles & disadvantages for this?  Finding out the baseline information Practical demand surveys Experience & lessons  Are schools the main priority for broadband? How do we compare libraries, cybercafés, health centres? How should schools projects be financed?  Are UAS Funds even needed or should levies be reduced? Obligations can be negotiated Licenses can have requirements Some competitions yield low or zero subsidies

7 2007 finding for GSMA …. mobile networks Cover more than 80% of the world’s population Will be over 90% by 2010

8 Thank you

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