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... exploring values and beliefs for tomorrow’s world A month-long celebration of religious education in England and Wales in March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "... exploring values and beliefs for tomorrow’s world A month-long celebration of religious education in England and Wales in March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ... exploring values and beliefs for tomorrow’s world A month-long celebration of religious education in England and Wales in March 2011


3 celebrate RE and its contribution to society and the education of all pupils promote imaginative exploration of questions of meaning, purpose and moral responsibility provide a showcase for enjoyable and relevant religious education with pupils of all abilities and age groups aims to:

4 Lancashire Youth Conference Rainbow of Hope

5 shine the spotlight on the excellent RE work of teachers, pupils, SACREs and communities in England and Wales inspire further creativity and excellence through new projects being developed for all abilities and age groups strengthen links between RE and local, regional and national faith communities aims to:

6 What is good RE? Primary conference

7 connect RE professionals nationwide, encourage the sharing of good practice and foster lasting relationships raise public awareness of RE’s distinctive and positive contribution to society and community cohesion create a strong presence for RE in the online community and news media aims to:

8 being an inspiring showcase of learning and teaching creating a bank of adaptable resources furthering connections within the RE community aims to leave a lasting legacy by:

9 schools and colleges community locations sacred spaces regional and national events … anywhere Investigating local and global poverty in a faith setting

10 identify a Celebrating RE Champion to co-ordinate the planning of local events seek grant funding for your projects and events identify venues which could host a celebration enter RE competitions with an amazing array of prizes

11 collaborate on linking projects geographically and virtually put a link to the Celebrating RE website from your LA, diocesan or SACRE website promote the Celebrating RE month through RE networks, schools, faith communities, libraries and other community groups

12 share information about your school or community events and promote them through the Celebrating RE website attract media promotion and coverage of your events create a local legacy for Celebrating RE

13 Register your interest and receive free updates on events and developments:

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