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CERN CERN EP-DI-DDL-VV 1 D E M A C - meeting 30 August 2001 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN CERN EP-DI-DDL-VV 1 D E M A C - meeting 30 August 2001 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN CERN EP-DI-DDL-VV 1 D E M A C - meeting 30 August 2001 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.

2 EP-DI-DDL-VV2 Comments from EP Division acknowledgment information from :  - Atlas, CMS, ALICE, LHC-b  - GEM’s, NA-60, HARP, small R & D comments and suggestions

3 EP-DI-DDL-VV3 acknowledgment : EST-DEM has a long record of an extensive and productive  collaboration with the research projects. It is generally felt that EP received a top quality treatment from the  people in this group, and a lot of expert support in all fields : design  materials, surface mounting, multilayer PCB's, photolithography,  electronics assembly. Such a group is felt to be essential inside CERN In general DEMAC should help in :  - enhancing the Management of EST-DEM  - linking the activities with the priorities of the physics program

4 EP-DI-DDL-VV4 ATLAS PCB manufacturing section : – Special PCB boards or hybrids – extensive use of capacity to build multilayers PCB’s – transfer some technologies to industry Assembly workshop : – prototype board assembly – help on price enquiries or call for tender – wish : contracts with few companies for fast assembly work Lay-out workshop : – turn-around per year : 10 CHk – wish : improve transparency on pricing policy – lot of design work in the two/three years to come

5 EP-DI-DDL-VV5 CMS first priority for the coming 6 months : the Tracker. Several weeks of layout work, followed by production and components  assembly of tens of PCB’s ( memo from P. Siegrist / EP-CMT )  cabling previsions given for the 6-12 months to come

6 EP-DI-DDL-VV6 ALICE FE bus of Silicon Pixel Detector ( SPD)  - low-mass multilayer polyimide / aluminum bus  - vital necessity for ALICE SPD  - special technology, no interest from outside Companies  - quote given by EST-DEM HMPID pad photo-cathodes  - about 100 PCB’s over the next 2 years  - expertise developed in EST-DEM needed for this production  - 50 PCB’s standard multilayer technology with  special requirement on flatness (60 men.days) Silicon Strip detector (SSD)  - 3 series for prototypes (100-150 pieces each) : copper-Upilex  cables, PCB’s on ceramic, PCB’s on standard support

7 EP-DI-DDL-VV7 LHCb most of modules are in principle fully designed and produced in  external Institutes few additional requests for PCB layout and assembly of large highly  populated cards in 2001, about 10 prototypes need : consultancy on board production and testing in external  companies

8 EP-DI-DDL-VV8 GEM development and production 300 gem delivered to HERA-B Tracker COMPASS remaining needs : – 2001 runs : 14 detectors – 2002 runs : 10 detectors development and optimization : – TESLA, STAR, PEP-N – medical imaging – neutron detection – X-ray polarimetry for astrophysics – plasma diagnostics – gas photomultipliers technological support and Collaboration from EST-DEM  are primordial

9 EP-DI-DDL-VV9 NA-60 technological support from EST-DEM essential to this experiment top quality treatment up to now feel some degradation due to shortage of manpower top priority are hybrids for microstrip planes : – October run – critical, present situation in schedule not acceptable  HARP essential support from EST-DEM only few more minor components  R & D projects (Si-facility) number of required components is small need fast turn-around concerned about pricing ( R & D budgets are small),  80 CHf / hour + overhead

10 EP-DI-DDL-VV10 C omments from Microelectronics group (EP) EST-DEM should be able to : track evolution towards future sophisticated technologies – low-mass – radiation tolerance – high track-density hybrids – circuits operated at cryogenic temperatures preserve and boost local expertise ensure flexibility and adaptability to special requirements this technological support should stay on a solid base : – concentrate on high-tech – balance correctly basic tech by efficient outsourcing of standard work

11 EP-DI-DDL-VV11 Comments and suggestions 1.- PCB workshop management versus technical expertise a technical expert should not be loaded with the management of the  workshop. We recommend to have a dedicated manager for the PCB workshop  Tasks : - promote transparency in scheduling and costing pro-active management in direct discussion with experiments understanding of timescales dialogue to develop a good perception and mutual positive attitude organize monitoring data, public records and statistics on jobs and costing transfer of technologies to Companies in parallel, around the technical experts, build a Team including  Students, Project Associates, outside people attracted by the high-tech  expertise and by the developments.

12 EP-DI-DDL-VV12 2. Special technologies Several technologies are quite special and of unique expertise these should not be endangered by any run-down of EST-DEM it is essential to maintain enough people in the group, for the  workshops and for the software. the high-level technical expertise is essential. Such a level should be  maintained in a domain where it takes a long time to form a person. several physics groups have felt the decline of manpower on their  projects : turn-around slower, crisis with timescales we repeat that this support is essential to the whole physics  programme and should not be run-downed.

13 EP-DI-DDL-VV13 3. Strategy CERN us outside a mechanism should be implemented to have a smooth transistion  for “standard” projects to be outsourced. Transfer of data from CERN to Companies arguments for Inside design / production : – fast turn-around – phototyping – special technologies – record of data, history, storage, EDMS help required in contracs with outside Companies identify Companies with fast turn-around, for cabling special productions should stay in house, like for example aluminum  polyemide buses or GEM developments, etc...

14 EP-DI-DDL-VV14 4. others pro-active collaboration between EST-DEM, C. Benvuti’s group, EP-  MIC group, new EP-Division Si-facility should be encouraged by the  EST-DEM Management. For their jobs, the uses should be told how long it takes, how much it  costs, so a comparison with outside Companies be possible. we acknowledge also that users should help with better planning  efforts from their side how to handle external users (outside Universities, recognized  experiments) largely scattered? Keep flexibility for small items in developments

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